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Manuscript of 'Secretum secretorum' by Pseudo-Aristotle, 'De excidio Troiae' by Dares Phrygius, and 'Historia regum Britannie' by Geoffrey of Monmouth; written by a 13th- or 14th-century hand of uncertain origin.

Identifier: Adv.MS.18.4.5
Scope and Contents The contents of the volume are as follows:(i) Pseudo-Aristotle, 'Secretum secretorum' (edited by R. Steele, in 'Opera hactenus inedita Rogeri Baconi', fascicule V, pages 25-172). This manuscript contains the letter of Philip, a list of chapters, and the text in seven books (the headings for i, iv, and vi are omitted). It is of the common class, omitting all the test passages of Gilson and Steele (cf. 'Opera hactenus inedita Rogeri Baconi', pages xxv-xxvi); further omissions are...
Dates: 13th century-14th century.

Microfilm of miscellaneous works, chiefly theological, written in the 12th and 13th centuries.

Identifier: Mf.Sec.MSS.304
Dates: 12th century-13th century.

Miscellaneous material, mostly of a religious nature.

Identifier: Adv.MS.32.3.9
Scope and Contents The contents of the manuscript are as follows:(i) `A Testamentary Memoir written by Theophilus, in which his own dearest concerns are Ingenuously Narrated, and sundry of a more publick Nature are also touched, all Addressed to his surviving friends`, early 18th century. This is similar in style to the ‘Memorial` of James Hog, and the hand is probably the same as that of Adv.MS.32.3.8. The author appears to have written other memorials and a short history of the Covenanters based...
Dates: 18th century.

Printed papers and manuscripts concerning the troubles in Geneva.

Identifier: Adv.MS.29.6.7
Dates: 1734-1737.

Transcript, 18th century, of the ‘Chronicon Melrosense’, and other material.

Identifier: Adv.MS.35.5.6
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows:Transcript of the ‘Chronicon Melrosense’: a copy of Adv.MS.33.3.25 (page 1);‘Addenda ex exemplari Anglico impresso’ (page 41);The ‘Relationes Arnaldi Blair’ copied from Adv.MS.35.6.10 (page 44);‘Addenda alia e chronico Melrosensi impresso’ (page 51);Copies of letters, 1563, of Queen Mary to the Council of Trent in Latin, and to the Cardinal of Lorrain and the Pope in Italian (page 65);...
Dates: 12th century-1683.

Two collections of writings of Allan Ramsay, in his hand.

Identifier: MS.2233
Scope and Contents The contents are as follows.(i) Drafts of poems, of a prose treatise in defence of the theatre (fragmentary, but not ‘Some Few Hints in Defence of Dramatic Entertainments’), and of a letter to a lady, containing a poem. Some of the poems appear to be unpublished; others differ greatly from the printed version. On folio 10 there are marginal references, apparently contemporary, to the pages of ‘Poems by Allan Ramsay’ (Edinburgh, 1728), volume ii. Some of the leaves are paginated,...
Dates: Early 18th century.