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Offprints of articles written by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn., 1947-1964.

Identifier: MS.50218

Scope and Contents

The offprints are arranged chronologically.


Offprint, 1947, from ‘Revista de Psicoanálisis’ of an article, ‘Revision de la Psicopatalogia de las Psicosis y Psiconeurosis’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. This is a translation of Fairbairn’s article, ‘A Revised Psychopathology of the Psychoses and Psychoneuroses’, first published in the ‘International Journal of Psycho-Analysis’, 1941. Folios 1-16.

Offprint, 1947, from ‘Revista de Psicoanálisis’ of an article, “La Represión y el Retorno delos Objetos Malos con especial referencis a las ‘neurosis de guerra’”, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. This is a translation of Fairbairn’s article, “The Repression and Return of Bad Objects (with special reference to the ‘war neuroses’)”, first published in the ‘British Journal of Medical Psychology’, 1943. Folios 17-29.

Offprint, 1947, from ‘Revista de Psicoanálisis’ of an article, ‘Las Estructuras Endopsíquicas Consideradas en Términos de Relaciones de Objeto’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. This is a translation of Fairbairn’s article, ‘Endopsychic Structure Considered in terms of Object-Relationships’, first published in the ‘International Journal of Psycho-Analysis’, 1944. Folios 30-55.


Offprint, 1949, from the ‘British Journal of Medical Psychology’ of an article, ‘Steps in the Development of an Object-Relations Theory of the Personality’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 56-59.


Offprint, 1952, from the ‘British Journal of Medical Psychology’ of an article, ‘Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Psycho-Analysis’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 60-63.


Offprint, 1953, from the ‘British Medical Journal’ of an article, ‘Male Pseudohermaphroditism’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 64-65.


Offprint, 1954, from the ‘British Journal of Medical Psychology’ of an article, ‘Observations on the Nature of Hysterical States’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 66-77.


Offprint, 1955, from the ‘British Journal of Medical Psychology’ of an article, ‘Observations in Defence of the Object-Relations Theory of the Personality’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 78-85.


Offprint, 1956, from the ‘British Journal of Medical Psychology’ of an article, ‘Considerations Arising out of the Schreber Case’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 86-93.

Offprint, 1956, from the ‘British Journal for the Philosophy of Science’ of an article, ‘A Critical Evaluation of Certain basic Psycho-Analytical Conceptions’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 94-99.


Offprint, 1957, from the ‘British Journal for the Philosophy of Science’ of “Notes and Comments: ‘Criticism of [William Ronald Dodds] Fairbairn’s Generalisation about Object-Relations’, by Michael Balint; ‘Comments on Fairbairn’s Paper’, by Siegmund Foulkes; ‘Some Comments on Dr Fairbairn’s Paper’, by John Sutherland; and, ‘Fairbairn’s Reply to the Comments of Balint, Foulkes and Sutherland’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn”. Folios 100-107.

Offprint, 1957, from the ‘British Journal of Medical Psychology’ of an article, ‘Freud, the Psycho-Analytical Method and Mental Health’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 108-112.


Offprint, 1958, from the ‘International Journal of Psycho-Analysis’ of an article, ‘On the Nature and Aims of Psycho-Analytical Treatment’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 113-118.


Offprint, 1963, from the ‘British Journal of Medical Psychology’ of an article, ‘Autobiographical Note’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folio 119.


Offprint, 1964, from the ‘British Journal of Medical Psychology’ of an article, ‘A Note on the Origin of Male Homosexuality’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folio 120.


  • Creation: 1947-1964.

Language of Materials

English; Spanish

Conditions Governing Access

Normal access conditions apply.

Conditions Governing Use

Normal reproduction conditions apply, subject to any copyright restrictions.


0.00 Linear metres (120 folios.)


The bibliography is arranged alphabetically by the titles of the offprints.
‘Autobiographical Note’ (folios 119-120):

British Journal of Medical Psychology’, volume 36, (1964) page 107; and,

`From Instinct to Self: Selected Papers of W R D Fairbairn`, edited by E Fairbairn Birtles and D Scharff, volume 2 (Jason Aronson, 1994).
‘Considerations Arising out of the Schreber Case’ (folios 86-93):

‘British Journal of Medical Psychology’, volume 29, part 2 (1956) pages 113-127; and,

`From Instinct to Self: Selected Papers of W R D Fairbairn`, edited by E Fairbairn Birtles and D Scharff, volume 1 (Jason Aronson, 1994).
‘A Critical Evaluation of Certain basic Psycho-Analytical Conceptions’ (folios 94-99):

`British Journal for the Philosophy of Science’, volume 7, number 25 (1956) pages 49-60; and,

`From Instinct to Self: Selected Papers of W R D Fairbairn`, edited by E Fairbairn Birtles and D Scharff, volume 1 (Jason Aronson, 1994).

‘Criticism of Fairbairn’s Gerneralisation about Object-Relations’ by Michael Balint; ‘Comments on Fairbairn’s Paper’ by Siegmund Foulkes; ‘Some Comments on Dr Fairbairn’s Paper’ by John Sutherland; and, ‘Fairbairn’s Reply to the Comments of Balint, Foulkes and Sutherland’ (folios 100-107):

‘British Journal for the Philosophy of Science’, volume 7, number 28 (1957) pages 323-338;

`S H Foulkes: Selected Papers`, edited by Elizabeth Foulkes (Karnac, 1990); and,

`From Instinct to Self: Selected Papers of W R D Fairbairn`, edited by E Fairbairn Birtles and D Scharff, volume 1 (Jason Aronson, 1994).
‘Las Estructuras Endopsíquicas Consideradas en Términos de Relaciones de Objeto’ (folios 30-55):

‘Revista de Psicoanálisis’, volume 5, number 2 (1947) pages 346-395.

‘Freud, the Psycho-Analytical Method and Mental Health’ (folios 108-112):

‘British Journal of Medical Science’, volume 30, part 2 (1957) pages 53-62; and,

`From Instinct to Self: Selected Papers of W R D Fairbairn`, edited by E Fairbairn Birtles and D Scharff, volume 1 (Jason Aronson, 1994).

‘Male Pseudohermaphroditism’ (folios 64-65):

`British Medical Journal`, volume 2 (July, 1953) page 94; and,

`From Instinct to Self: Selected Papers of W R D Fairbairn`, edited by E Fairbairn Birtles and D Scharff, volume 2 (Jason Aronson, 1994).
‘A Note on the Origin of Male Homosexuality’ (folio 120):

`British Journal of Medical Psychology’, volume 37, (1964) pages 31-32.
‘Observations in Defence of the Object-Relations Theory of the Personality’ (folios 78-85):

‘British Journal of Medical Psychology’, volume 28, parts 2 and 3 (1955) pages 144-156; and,

`From Instinct to Self: Selected Papers of W R D Fairbairn`, edited by E Fairbairn Birtles and D Scharff, volume 1 (Jason Aronson, 1994).

‘Observations on the Nature of Hysterical States’ (folios 66-77):

‘British Journal of Medical Psychology’, volume 27, part 3 (1954) pages 106-125; and,

`From Instinct to Self: Selected Papers of W R D Fairbairn`, edited by E Fairbairn Birtles and D Scharff, volume 1 (Jason Aronson, 1994).
‘On the Nature and Aims of Psycho-Analytical Treatment’ (folios 113-118):

‘International Journal of Psycho-Analysis’, volume 39, part 5 (1958) pages 374-385; and,

`From Instinct to Self: Selected Papers of W R D Fairbairn`, edited by E Fairbairn Birtles and D Scharff, volume 1 (Jason Aronson, 1994).
‘La Represión y el Retorno delos Objetos Malos con especial referencia a las ‘neurosis de guerra’ (folios 17-29):

‘Revista de Psicoanálisis’, volume 5, number 1 (1947) pages 202-225.

‘Revision de la Psicopatalogia de lsa Psicosis y Psiconeurosis’ (folios 1-16):

‘Revista de Psicoanálisis’, volume 4, number 4 (1947) pages 751-781.
‘Steps in the Development of an Object-Relations Theory of the Personality’ (folios 56-59):

`British Journal of Medical Psychology`, volume 22, parts 1 and 2 (1949) pages 26-31; and,

`Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality`, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn (London, 1952).
‘Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Psycho-Analysis’ (folios 60-63):

`British Journal of Medical Psychology`, volume 25, parts 2 and 3 (1952) pages 122-127; and,

`From Instinct to Self: Selected Papers of W R D Fairbairn`, edited by E Fairbairn Birtles and D Scharff, volume 1 (Jason Aronson, 1994).

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