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Manuscript of parts 1 and 2 of ‘Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn., 1927-1949, 1951-1952.

Identifier: MS.50197

Scope and Contents

Each of the articles has been amended by Fairbairn in preparation for its inclusion in ‘Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality’.

Prefatory material.

Carbon copy of the typescript, [1952], of the draft title page to ‘Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folio 1.

Carbon copy of the typescript, [1952], of the Preface by Ernest Jones to ‘Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folio 2.

Carbon copy of the typescript, [1952], of the Introduction by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn to his ‘Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality’. Folios 3-6.

Part 1.

Typescript, [1952], of the half title to part 1 of ‘Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folio 7.

Amended carbon copy of the typescript, [?1940], of a paper, ‘Schizoid factors in the Personality’, by William Ronald Dodds Farbairn . Folios 8-36.

Amended offprint from the ‘International Journal of Psycho-Analysis’ of an article, 1941, ‘A Revised Psychopathology of the Psychoses and Psychoneuroses’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 37-53.

Amended offprint from the ‘British Journal of Medical Psychology’ of an article, 1943, “The Repression and the Return of Bad Objects (with special reference to the ‘War Neuroses’)”, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 54-61.

Amended offprint from the ‘International Journal of Psycho-Analysis’ of an article, 1944, ‘Endopsychic Structure Considered in terms of Object-Relationships’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 62-73.

Amended carbon copy of a typescript, 1951, of the addendum by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn to his ‘Endopsychic Structure Considered in terms of Object-Relationships’. Folios 74-80.

Amended offprint from the ‘International Journal of Psycho-Analysis’ of an article, 1946, ‘Object-Relationships and Dynamic Structure’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 81-84.

Amended offprint from ‘The British Journal of Medical Psychology’ of an article, 1949, ‘Steps in the Development of an Object-Relations Theory of the Personality’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 85-88.

Amended carbon copy of a typescript, 1951, of an article, “A Synopsis of the Development of the Author’s Views Regarding the Structure of the Personality”, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 89-116.

Part 2.

Typescript, [1952], of the half title for part 2 of ‘Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folio 117.

Amended carbon copy of a typescript, [?1927], of an article, 1927, ‘Notes on the Religious Phantasies of a Female Patient’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 118-133.

Amended carbon copy of a typescript, [?1931], of an article, 1931, ‘Features in the Analysis of a Patient with a Physical Genital Abnormality’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 134-163.

Amended extract, of pages 277-284, from ‘The International Journal of Psycho-Analysis’, of an article, 1936, “The Effect of a King’s Death upon Patients Undergoing Analysis”, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn. Folios 164-167.

Original folders.

Folder, annotated by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn: ‘CLXVII Psycho-analytic Studies of the Personality. Preface by Ernest Jones [...] Duplicate MS.’ Folios 1-2 were originally enclosed by the folder. Folios 168-169.

Folder, annotated by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn: ‘Title and Introduction’. Folios 3-7 were originally enclosed by the folder. Folios 170-171.

Folder, annotated by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn: “Psycho-Analytic Studies of the Personality by W. Ronald D. Fairbairn [...] Preface and Part 1, An Object-Relations Theory of the Personality. Contents of Part 1. 1. Schizoid Factors in the Personality. 2. A Revised Psychopathology of the Psychoses and Psychoneuroses. 3. The Repression and the Return of Bad Objects (with special reference to the “War Neuroses”). 4. Endopsychic Structure Considered in terms of Object-Relationships. [With Addendum] 5. Object-Relationships and Dynamic Structure. 6. Steps in the Development of an Object-Relations Theory of the Personality. 7. A Synopsis of the Development of the Author’s Views Regarding the Structure of the Personality”. Folios 8-117 were originally enclosed by the folder. Folios 172-173.

Folder, annotated by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn: “7. A Synopsis of the Development of the Author’s Views regarding the Structure of the Personality”. Folios 90-117 were originally enclosed by folder. Folios 174-175.

Folder, annotated by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn: “Part 2 Clinical Papers. Contents of Part 2. 1. Notes on the Religious Phantasies of a Female Patient. 2. Features in the Analysis of a Patient with a Physical Genital Abnormality. 3. The Effect of a King’s Death upon Patients Undergoing Analysis”. Folios 118-168 were originally enclosed by the folder. Folios 176-177.


  • Creation: 1927-1949, 1951-1952.

Language of Materials


Conditions Governing Access

Normal access conditions apply.

Conditions Governing Use

Normal reproduction conditions apply, subject to any copyright restrictions.


0.00 Linear metres (177 folios.)


The bibliography is arranged alphabetically by the title of the article.
‘The Effect of a King’s Death upon Patients Undergoing Analysis’ (folios 165-168) is printed in: `International Journal of Psycho-Analysis`, volume 7, number 3 (1936) pages 277-284 and Fairbairn, `Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality`, (1952).
‘Endopsychic Structure Considered in terms of Object-Relationships’ (folios 63-74) is printed in: ‘International Journal of Psychoanalysis’, volume 25, parts 1 and 2 (1944) pages 70-93 and Fairbairn, `Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality`, (1952).
‘Features in the Analysis of a Patient with a Physical Genital Abnormality’ (folios 135-164) is printed in: Fairbairn, `Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality`, (1952).
‘Notes on the Religious Phantasies of a Female Patient’ (folios 119-134) is printed in: Fairbairn, William Ronald Dodds, `Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality`, (London, 1952).
‘Object-Relationships and Dynamic Structure’ (folios 82-85) is printed in: `International Journal of Psycho-Analysis`, volume 27, parts 1 and 2 (1944); and, Fairbairn, `Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality`, (1952).
‘The Repression and the Return of Bad Objects (with special reference to the ‘War Neuroses’)’ (folios 55-62) is printed in: ‘British Journal of Medical Psychology’, volume 19, parts 3 and 4 (1943) pages 327-341 and Fairbairn, `Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality`, (1952).
‘A Revised Psychopathology of the Psychoses and Psychoneuroses’ (folios 38-54) is printed in: `International Journal of Psycho-Analysis`, volume 22, parts 3 and 4 (1941) pages 1-30 and Fairbairn, `Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality`, (1952).
‘Schizoid factors in the Personality’ (folios 9-37) is printed in: Fairbairn, William Ronald Dodds, `Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality`, (London, 1952).
`Steps in the Development of an Object-Relations Theory of the Personality’ (folios 86-89) is printed in: `British Journal of Medical Psychology`, volume 22, parts 1 and 2 (1949); and, Fairbairn, `Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality`, (1952).
‘A Synopsis of the Development of the Author’s Views Regarding the Structure of the Personality’ (folios 90-117) is printed in: Fairbairn, `Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality`, (1952).

Repository Details

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