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Collection of theological works by or attributed to Saint Augustine, with a number of letters, chiefly of Saints Augustine and Jerome, written, probably in North Italy, in the fifteenth century., 15th century.

Identifier: MS.3056

Scope and Contents

The contents are as follows.

(i) Pelagius, Liber de vita Christiana ('Patrologia Latina', xl, 1031-1046; E Dekkers and A Gaar, ‘Clavis Patrum Latinorum’, number 730), here attributed to Saint Augustine. (Folio 1.)

(ii) Augustine, Sermo de contemptu temporalium return (‘Patrologia Latina’, xlvi, 971-980). (Folio 17.)

(iii) Augustine, De bono conjugali (‘Patrologia Latina’, xxxii, 639-640, xl, 373-396). (Folio 21.)

(iv) Augustine, Enchiridion ad Laurentium (‘Patrologia Latina’, xl, 231-290). (Folio 39.)

(v) Short treatise on good and evil, beginning 'Morum vocans hominem bonum'. (Folio 79.)

(vi) 'De elimosina sancti Augustini.' Sermon on Proverbs, xxii, 2, beginning 'Dives ergo et pauper'. (Folio 79 verso.)

(vii) Letters: Augustine to Jerome (‘Patrologia Latina’, xxxiii, 720-733) (folio 80); Jerome to Augustine (‘Patrologia Latina’, xxii, 1161-1162) (folio 88 verso); Pelagius, Libellus ad Innocentium papam ('Patrologia Latina’, xlv, 1716-1718; ‘Clavis Patrum Latimorum’, number 731), here entitled 'Jheronimus ad Damasum papam' (folio 89); Jerome to Augustine (‘Patrologia Latina’, xxii, 935) (folio 90 verso); Damasus to Jerome (‘Patrologia Latina’, xiii, 371-373) (folio 91); Jerome to Mark (‘Patrologia Latina’, xxii, 359-361) (folio 91 verso); Jerome to Damasus, last part of Epistola xxxvi, beginning 'Cur Ysaac vir iustus' (‘Patrologia Latina’, xxii, 459-461) (folio 92 verso); Augustine to Jerome (‘Patrologia Latina’, xxxiii, 236-237) (folio 93 verso); Jerome to Augustine (‘Patrologia Latina’, xxii, 831-832) (folio 94); Augustine to Praesidius (‘Patrologia Latina’, xxii, 915-916) (folio 94 verso).

Text and initials in various hands. Some titles in red. Spaces for initials left blank.

The paper has watermarks numbers 2469 and 4772, in C M Briquet, ‘Les Filigranes’, 1923; number 4772 indicates paper manufactured by the Scantio family at Brescia.


  • Creation: 15th century.

Conditions Governing Access

Normal access conditions apply.

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Normal reproduction conditions apply, subject to any copyright restrictions.


94 Leaves ; 205 x 135 millimetres.


94 folios. Collation: 1-2¹², 3¹⁴, 4-7¹², 8⁸. With catchwords.


See also Römer, F. ‘Die handschriftliche Überlieferung der Werke des heiligen Augustinus’, II: ‘Grossbritannien und Irland’, volume 2: ‘Verzeichnis nach Bibliotheken’ (Vienna, 1972).

Physical Description

The central and outside leaves of each gathering, except folios 80-81, 87, 90-91, 94, are of vellum, the rest of paper.

Contemporary wooden boards, the first of which has a partial contents list in a contemporary hand on the outside; strengthened in modern times with a rough leather back. Modern clasp.

Repository Details

Part of the Archives and Manuscripts Repository

Archives and Manuscript Division
National Library of Scotland
George IV Bridge
Edinburgh EH1 1EJ
0131 623 3700