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Maps originally inserted in Adv.MS.15.1.1: Manuscript of the English text of the 'Atlas Scoticus, or Description of Scotland ancient and modern' by Sir Robert Sibbald., 1595-[Circa 1682].

Identifier: Adv.MS.15.1.1a

Scope and Contents

List of maps originally inserted in Adv.MS.15.1.1.

Folios 6-7. Printed map: ‘Britannicarum insularum typus’ (Abraham Ortelius, 1595).

Folios 8-9. Printed map: ‘Insulæ Albion et Hibernia cum minoribus adjacentibus’.

Folios 10-11. Printed map: ‘Scotia regnum’.

Folios 12-13. Printed map: ‘Scotia regnum cum insulis adjacentibus’ (Robert Gordon of Straloch).

Folios 20-21. Printed map: ‘Scotiæ provintiæ inter Taum fluvium et septentrionales oras Angliæ’.

Folio 27. Manuscript map: ‘Rivers of Tay and Erne’.

Folios 32-33. Printed map: ‘Scotiæ provinciæ intra flumen Taum et Murra fyrth sitæ, utpote Moravia, Badenocha, Atholia, Aberdonia, Baneia [sic] et Mernis’.

Folios 36-37. Printed map: ‘Extima Scotiæ septentrionalis ora, ubi provinciæ sunt Rossia, Sutherlandia, Cathenesia, Strath-Naverniæ, cum vicinis regiunculis quæ eis subsunt, etiamque Moravia’ (Robert Gordon of Straloch). Folios 40-41. Printed map: ‘The north-part of England and the south-part of Scotland’.

Folios 42-43. Printed map: ‘The merse or shirrefdome of Berwick / Mercia vulgo vicecomitatus Bervicensis’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 46-47. Printed map: ‘Teviotia vulgo Tivedail’ (Timothy Pont; Joan Blaeu).

Folios 56-57. Printed map:’Laudelia sive Lauderdalia Scotis vulgo Lauderdail’ (Timothy Pont; Joan Blaeu).

Folios 60-61. Printed map: ‘Tuedia cum vicecomitatu Etterico Forestae etiam Selkirkae dictus. Twee-dail with the sherifdome of Etterik-forrest called also Selkirk’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 64-65. Printed map: ‘Lidalia vel Lidisdalia regio, Lidisdail’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 66. Manuscript map: ‘The sherifdome of Etrik-Forrest’ not mentioned in the ‘Account’).

Folios 69-70. Printed map: ‘Evia et Escia, Scotis Eusdail et Eskdail’ (Timothy Pont; Joan Blaeu).

Folios 73-74. Printed map: ‘Annandiæ præfectura, vulgo. The stewartrie of Annandail’ (Timothy Pont; Joan Blaeu). Folios 77-78. Printed map: ‘Nithia vicecomitatus. The shirifdome of Nidis-dail’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 81-82. Printed map: ’Sterlinensis præfectura. Sterlin-shyr’ (Timothy Pont; Joan Blaeu).

Folios 85-86. Printed map: ‘Præfectura Renfroana vulgo dicta Baronia. The Baronie of Renfrow’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 87-88. Printed map: ‘Glottiana præfectura superior. The upper ward of Clyds-dayl’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 89-90. Printed map: ‘Glottiana præfectura inferior, cum Baronia Glascuensi. The nether wards of Clyds-dail, and Baronie of Glasco’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 93-94. Printed map: ‘Coila provincia. The province of Kyle’ (Timothy Pont, Robert Gordon).

Folios 97-98. Printed map:’Cuninghamia’ (Timothy Pont; Joan Blaeu). Folios 101-102. Printed map: ‘Caricta borealis vulgo. The northpart of Carrick’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 103-104. Printed map: ‘Carricta meridionalis. The southpart of Carrick’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 107-108. Printed map: ‘Arania insula in æstuario Glottæ. The Yle of Arren in the Fyrth of Clyd’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 111-112. Printed map: ‘Buthe insula vulgo. The Yle of Boot’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 115-116. Printed map: ‘Gallovidia vernacule. Galloway’ (Timothy Pont; Joan Blaeu).

Folios 117-118. Printed map: Præfectura Kircubriensis quæ Gallovidiæ maxime orientalis pars est. The Steuartie of Kircubright, the most easterlie part of Galloway’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 119-120. Printed map: Gallovidiæ pars media, quæ Deam et Cream fluvios interjacet. The middle-part of Galloway, whiche lyeth betweene the rivers Dee and Cree’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 121-122. Printed map: Gallovidiæ pars occidentalior, in qua vicecomitatus victoniensis cum regalitate Glenlucensi / The sherifdome of Wigtoun w[t] with the regality of Glen-Luze both in Galloway’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 127-128. Printed map: Fifæ vicecomitatus. The sherifdome of Fyfe’ (John Gordon of Rothiemay).

Folios 129-130. Printed map: Fifæ pars orientalis. The east part of Fife’.

Folios 131-132. Printed map: Fifæ pars occidentalis. The west part of Fife’.

Folios 137-138. Printed map: Levinia vicecomitatus. The province of Lennox, called the shyre of Dun-Britton’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 138 verso. Manuscript sketch: ‘Dumbarton Castle’ (?John Slezer).

Folios 141-142. Manuscript map: ‘Perthshyre’.

Folio 143. Manuscript map: ‘Plan of the Roman camp at Ardoch’.

Folios 145-146. Printed map: Scotiæ provinciæ mediterraneæ inter Taum flumen et vararis æstuarium: sunt autem Braid-Allaban, Atholia, Marria superior, Badenocha, Strath-Spea, Lochabria, cum chersoneso qui ei ad occasum prætenditur; cum singulis earundem partibus. A description of the inland provinces of Scotland lying between Tay river and Murra fyrth, conteyning Braid-allaban, Athol, Brae of Mar, Badenoch, Strath-Spey, Lochabyr, w[t] al ye lands which ley west from Lochabyr w[t] all their parts conteyned under them’ (Robert Gordon of Straloch).

Folios 149-150. Printed map: ‘Knapdalia provincia, que sub Argathelia censetur. The province of Knapdail which is accounted a member of Argyll’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 151-152. Printed map: ‘Cantyra chersonesus, Cantyr a demie-yland’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 153-154. Printed map: ‘Lorna cum insulis vicinis et provinciis eidem conterminis. Lorn w[t] the yles and provinces bordering there-upon’ (Timothy Pont; Joan Blaeu).

Folios 155-156. Printed map: ‘Lorna, Knapdalia, Cantire, Irua, Ila, Glota et Buthe Insulæ’.

Folios 159-160. Printed map: ‘Lochabria, omnesque insulæ versus occidentem sitæ, ut Uisto, Mulla, aliæque’.

Folios 161-162. Printed map: ‘Angusia provincia Scotiæ sive. The shire of Angus’ (Robert Edward; J Waesberg, M Pitt, S Swart).

Folios 165-166. Printed map: ‘Duo vicecomitatus Aberdonia & Banfia, una cum regionibus & terrarium tractibus sub eis comprehensis. A description of the two shyres Aberdene and Banff with such countreys and provinces as ar comprehended under them’ (Robert Gordon of Straloch).

Folios 169-170. Printed map: ‘Moravia Scotiæ provincia’ (Timothy Pont, Robert Gordon).

Folios 174-175. Printed map: Copy of folios 36-37, with a manuscript sketch of Inverness by James Gordon pasted to folio 174.

Folios 176-177. Printed map: ‘Extimæ Scotiæ pars septentrionalis, in qua provinciæ Rossia, Sutherlandia, Cathenesia et Strath-Naverniæ’.

Folios 178-179. Printed map: ‘Southerlandia’.

Folios 182-183. Printed map: ‘Cathenesia. Caithness’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 186-187. Printed map: ‘Strath-Navernia. Strath-Navern’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 190-191. Printed map: ‘Æbudæ insulæ sive Hebrides; Quæ Scotiæ ad occasum prætenduntur. The Westerne Iles of Scotland’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 191-192. Manuscript plan of Dunnottar Castle (John Slezer, 1675).

Folios 194-195. Manuscript prospects of Dunnottar Castle (?John Slezer).

Folios 199-200. Printed map: ‘Tabula Leogi et Haraiæ, ac Skiæ vel Skianæ Insularum.

Folios 201-202. Printed map: ‘Skia vel Skiana. The Yle of Skie’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 205-206. Printed map: ‘Leogus et Haraia, insulæ ex Æbudarum numero, quæ, quamquam isthmus cohæreant, pro diversis habentur. Lewis and Harray of the numbre of the Westerne Yles, which two although they ioyne be a necke of land ar accounted dyvers ylands’.

Folios 209-210. Printed map: ‘Ila Insula, ex Æbudarum majoribus una. The Yle of Ila, being one of the biggest of the Westerne Yles’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 211-212. Printed map: ‘Iura Insula. The Isle of Iura one of the Westerne Iles of Scotland’ (Timothy Pont).

Folios 213-214. Printed map: 'Uistus Insula, vulgo Uiist, cum aliis minoribus ex Æbudarum numero ei ad meridiem adjacentibus' (Timothy Pont).

Folios 215-216. Printed map: 'Mula Insula, quae ex Æbudarum numero una est, et Lochabriæ ad occasum prætenditur. The Yle of Mul whiche is one of the Westerne Yles, and lyeth over against Lochabyr'.

Folios 219-220. Printed map: 'Insulæ quædam minors ex Æbudis quæ Mulam et Skiam insulas interjacent. Some of the smaller Westerne Yles, lying betweene the Yles of Mull and Skye' (Timothy Pont).

The printed material consists of:

47 of the maps in the Scottish volume of 'Theatrum Orbis Terrarum, Sive Atlas Novus' ('Extima Scotiae' appears twice, at folios 37 and 175);

7 maps from Joannes Janssonius`s edition of the 'Nieuwen Atlas', volume 4 (folios 11, 21, 33, 156, 160, 177, 200);

Robert Edward, 'Angusia' (folio 162);

Abraham Ortelius's map of the British Isles (folio 7); and

'The North-part of England and the South-part of Scotland', as sheet 1 of what is generally known as the "Quartermaster's map" (folio 41).

The following maps which are listed in the ‘Account’ are not included: West, Mid- and East Lothian, Clackmannan, the sheriffdom of Argyll, the Mearns, Ross, all the maps of Orkney and Shetland, and the hydrographic map of the coast.

The "Quartermaster's map" (folio 41) and the maps of Teviotdale and Skye (folios 47, 202) are not mentioned in the 'Account'.

The maps supplied in manuscript may be the work of Robert Gordon of Straloch (see 'A newly discovered map of Ettrick Forest', pages 84-87).


  • Creation: 1595-[Circa 1682].

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62 Items

Repository Details

Part of the National Library of Scotland Archives and Manuscripts Division Repository

Archives and Manuscript Division
National Library of Scotland
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Edinburgh EH1 1EJ
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