Documents, including bonds and discharges, mainly relating to John Skeyne of Halyards., 1636-1704.
Scope and Contents
256. Exchequer receipt to Mr John Skene for the fueduty of the lands and barony of Halzairdis, July 1636,
257. Contract of wodset at Bowdoun 20 December 1639 between Robert Ker called of Mersingtoune, portioner of Bowdoun and Archibald Ruther notary public whereby for £40 Scots Robert Ker wadsets certain lands in Bowdoun to the said Archibald. Witnesses: Adam Hoge servitor to James Wallace, smith in Bowdoun and Nicoll Rem[ield]sone, eldest son to William Rem[ield]sone, officer, portioner there.
258. Bond by Margaret Skeene relict of William Fairlie of Bruntsfield to Mr John Sken of Halyairds, her brother german to keep him skaithless is some affair relating to the tutorship of her children William, Margaret and Elizabeth Fairlie. At Edinburgh, 15 March 1649. Witnesses: Mr Patrick Anderson, servitor to the granter and Hew Paterson, servitor to Richard Guthrie W.S. (Much wasted to damp and vermin].
259. Receipt Samuel Drummond, collector for the voluntary contributions in the presbytery of Linlithgow to Mr John Skene of Hallzairdis for £120 as the tenth part of his rent in the parish of Kirkliston for crop, 1639. Edinburgh, 17 April 1640.
[Endorsed with receipt by Sir John Wachop of Neddrie to Mr John Skene of Halzardis for £12.2 - as the tenth of the tenth penny of his rent, 6 July 1640].
260. Claim by John Kincaid donator to the escheat of Robert Kincaid against the laird of Waristoune. [c. 1641].
261. Contract at Edinburgh, 14 October 1641 between Mr John Skene of Halzairdis, one of the clerks of session on the one part and Mr John Skene, younger his son, Mary Ker his promised, spouse with consent of Thomas Ker of Mersingtoun her brother and John Ker her father in law agreeing to live in household together. Written by Richard Leirmont son to John Leirmont, W.S. Witnesses: Mr Andrew Skene of Halzairdis, Mr Alexander Pearsone and Mr Alexander Belsches of Toftis advocates and Robert Ker, brother to Thomas Ker of Mersingtoun.
262. Double of 261.
263. Procuratory of resignation by Mr John Skene of Halzairdis one of the clerks of session in favour of Mr John Skene his son of the lands and barony of Halzairds and Halbarnes and others in implementation of a marriage contract dated 14 October 1641 between the said Mr John, younger, and Mary Ker with consent (as in 261). At Edinburgh, 24 November 1641. Witnesses: William Murray of Langhirdmanstoun, John Nicolsone, servitor to the granter, Mr Alexander Carmichael and George Sibbald, servitors to John Leirmont writer.
264. Receipt by Helen Sken to her father for the price of various items including jewellry, quaiches and linen, 12 February 1642.
265. Instrument of sasine dated 3 March 1642 following on a royal precept following on 263. Witnesses: Mr John Dunlop son to Mr John Dunlop, minister at Rapho, Philip Wilson in Halbarnes, William Sommervill and Andrew Coull servitors of Mr John Skene, senior, and James Monteith servitor to Mr John Skene, junior. Notary: John Nicolsone.
266. Exchequer receipt to Mr John Skene for the feuduty of the lands and barony of Halzairdis, crops 1639-42. 31 July 1642.
267. Exchequer receipt to Mr John Skene for the feuduty of the lands and barony of Halzairdis, 266 for crop 1643, 26 July 1643.
268. Assignation by Sir Adam Hepburne of Humbie Kt., senator of the college of justice, collector of the general loan and tax granted by the convention of estates to Mr John Skene of Halzardes of the right to the tax from the parish of North Leith in return for payment of £205:19:10. Written by William Wright, writer in Edinburgh. Edinburgh, 16 November 1643. Witnesses: James Stoddert and James Broune servitors to the Earl of Hadintone.
269. Bond of relief James Keith, writer in Edinburgh to James Steinsoune, merchant burgess, there as cautioner for Alexander Fraser of Phillorthe and Sir Alexander Irving of Drum Kt in a bond to Patrick Mauld of Panmure for £16 due as teind of the lands of Creiche and 14/- for blench duty from lands in the Abbacy of Arbroath for which they are already bound to Mr John Skene. Edinburgh, 29 December 1643. Witnesses: Walter Stewart servitor to James Steinsoune and Patrick Forbes, merchant burgess of Edinburgh.
270. Memorandum of Halyeard's rights on the estate of Mersingtoun. n.d. [after 8 January 1644].
271. Bond the committee of the estates of Scotland to Mr John Skeene of Halzeards, clerk to the bills for 1800 merks. Edinburgh, 12 March 1644.
272. Extract registered assignation by Mr John Skene of Hallzeardis one of the clerks of session to Janet Skene his daughter in lieu of anything she can claim by his decease or that of her mother (deceased) Alison Rig of a bond for 5000 merks granted by James, Earl of Queensberrie, on 15 December 1642 and of a bond for 3000 merks granted by Patrick, Lord Ellibank on 9 February 1643 and of a bond for 1200 merks granted by Mr Alexander Peirsone, advocate on 3 October 1642 and of a bond for £1000 granted by Mr Alexander Belsches of Toftis, advocate on 20 September 1644. At Edinburgh, 1 November 1644. Witnesses: Mr Alexander Peirsone, advocate and John Nicolsoune, servitor to the granter. Registered Edinburgh, 3 December 1644.
273. Discharge Helen Skene, relict of John Cowper of Gogar to Mr John Skene, elder of Halzeards her father and curator to Margaret, Alison, Helen, James and William Cowper her children for 360 merks due to Margaret as interest on 3000 merks by marriage contract with the deceased Sir Alexander Foulis of Colingtoun and Sir John Cowper now of Gogar dated 12 February 1641; for 240 merks due to Alison as interest on 2000 merks, for 160 merks due to Helen as interest on 2000 merks, for £80 due to James as interest on £1000 and also for £80 due to William as interest on £1000 all owed by the said deceased Sir Alexander. Edinburgh, 21 December 1644. Witnesses: John Nicolsone, and John Symsone, writers in Edinburgh.
274. General discharge Sir John Wauchop of Nidrie Kt and Sir John Coupare of Gogare, Kt as curators to Margaret Alison Helen, James, William and Catharine Coupar children to the deceased John Coupare of Gogare, and also to Sir John Coupare factor to the deceased Alexander Coupare writer who was tutor to Catherine, Jean and Robert Coupar also children to the deceased John to Mr John Skene of Halzairdis eldest son to the deceased Mr John Skene of Halzairdis one of the clerks of session also one of the curators. At Edinburgh, 16 May 1646. Witnesses: Mr Alexander Peirson, advocate, John Sempill, W.S., and Mr John Bain, writer in Edinburgh.
275. Discharge Robert Stewine, portioner of Gartqueine to Mr John Skene of Halyairdis for 100 merks deposited with the deceased Mr John Skene because of an action at the instance of James Findlay, younger merchant burgess of Glasgow as assignee of James Tennent in Barresdykis. Edinburgh, 22 July 1646. Witnesses: James Diksone and Archibald Broune servitor to John Gibsone, clerk of session and John Nielsone, writer in Edinburgh. Peter Barbor, notary, attests granter's signature.
276. Exchequer receipt for the feuduty of the lands and barony of Halzairdis, 1643-46. 31 July 1646.
277. Exchequer receipt for the feuduty of the lands and barony of Halzairdis, 1646-47, 31 July 1647.
278. Decreet Alexander Horsburghe of Hucheonfield against Mr John Skene now of Halyardis heir to the deceased Mr John Skene to pay 1334 merks 6s. 8d. to Alexander Horsburghe, merchant burgess of Edinburgh on his behalf arising out of an action against John, Earl of Twedaill relating to the tack duty of Sheilgrene and Whytfauldhill. Edinburgh, 10 December 1647.
279. Exchequer receipt for the feuduty of the lands and barony of Halzairdis, 1647-48. 31 July 1648.
280. Inventory of writs appertaining to the deceased Robert Ker, brother german to Thomas Ken of Mersingtoune relating to the lands of Mersingtoune and Fordellaues and various bonds. 21 items, 1643-48, listed. Hallzairds, 15 May 1657.
281. Exchequer receipt for the feuduty of the lands and barony of Halzairdis, 1648-49. 19 July 1649.
282. Testament of Mr John Skene of Halzairds appointing tutors for his children and constituting John Skene his eldest son as only executor. Halzairdis, 20 June 1650.
283. Receipt Adam Blair of Lochwood receiver of royal rents to Mr John Skene of Halzeardis for feuduty of Halzeards for 1649-50. Stirling, 22 May 1651. Witnesses: John Ransone, and James Kirkpatrick, servitor to the lord treasurer depute.
284. Copy obligation Robert Ker brother german to Thomas Ker of Mersingtoun to give up to the said Thomas the lands of Mersingtoun and Fordelanes on payment by Mr Thomas of 8,000 merks and relieving him of certain other (specified) obligations. Written by James Don brother german to Alexander Don, clerk of Kelso. Kelso, 10 June 1647. Witnesses: Andrew Ker of Masindew and John Robieson in Spronstoune. Copy attested by Alexander Peter and William Forsyth, notaries. [End of document only].
285. Decreet of transumpt following from an action at the instance of John Lermont, servitor to Mr Thomas Lermont, advocate against Mr John Skene of Halzairdis for the delivery of writs relating to the affairs of the deceased Robert Ker, brother german to Thomas Ker of Mersingtoun. Edinburgh, 19 June 1663. [Much wasted by damp].
286. Bond of infeftment Mr John Skein of Halzeards, Marie Ker his spouse and John Skein their eldest son in favour of George Drummond of Carlourie (who has lent 2500 merks) in an annual rent of £100 from the lands and barony of Halzeards. At Edinburgh, 2 December 1664. Witnesses: Mr David Watson, W.S., William Inglis, servitor to said George Drummond and James Halden, writer in Edinburgh. [Signatures torn away].
287. Disposition by Mr John Skene of Halyeardes with consent of Marie Ker his spouse in favour of John Skene their son of the lands of Halyeardes and Halbarnes and others. Edinburgh, 31 July 1666. Witnesses: Mr David Watson, W.S., James Halden writer in Edinburgh, Mr James Lauder and Mr James Ramsay, writers in Edinburgh.
288. Extract registered assignation Mr John Skene of Halyairds to John Skene his eldest son of various bonds, obligations and tickets mentioned. Edinburgh 31 July 1666. Witnesses: Mr David Watson W.S., and James Halden, writer in Edinburgh.
289. Stent roll for the reparation of the church and churchyard [of Kirkliston] imposed 1673/74.
290. Roll of oxengates within the parish of Kirklistoune, 1674.
291. Discharge Mr Patrick Skene, writer in Edinburgh to John Skene of Halyairds for the annualrent of 600 merks contained in a bond by the deceased John Skene of Halyairds to the deceased John Skene, uncle to the granter (discharge is now granted with consent of Anna Skene, only daughter to the said deceased John Skene. Edinburgh, 15 August 1676. Witnesses: Peter Sochon, engraver in Edinburgh and Archibald Hutchesone, gunsmith there.
292. As 291, for 200 merks as part payment of the principal of 600 merks. At Edinburgh, 22 March 1677. Witnesses: James Lumisden, merchant in Edinburgh and George Keith, writer there.
293. As 291 for annualrent of 400 merks, Edinburgh 6 April, 1680. Witnesses: Robert Cunnyngham, student in the college of Edinburgh and James Reid, bookbinder there. Also bears receipt by Anna Skeen for £4 Scots. Edinburgh, 3 July 1680. Witnesses: Archibald Inglis and John Gibson, servitor to John Skeen of Halyeards.
294. Memorandum for John Skeen of Halyards relating to financial transactions, undated [after 28 February 1683].
295. Inventory of the writs and securities of the Maines of Over Gogar and pertinents belonging to Mr Robert Kincaid. 15 documents, 1651-1704, listed.
- Creation: 1636-1704.
Language of Materials
In Latin, Scots and English. Other languages may also be present.
Conditions Governing Access
Normal access conditions apply.
Conditions Governing Use
Normal reproduction conditions apply, subject to any copyright restrictions.
1 Volumes
Genre / Form
- Assignations. Legal Instruments.
- Bonds of relief. Legal instruments.
- Bonds. Legal instruments.
- Claims. Legal documents.
- Contracts. Agreements.
- Decrees of transumpt. Legal instruments.
- Discharges. Legal Documents.
- Dispositions. Legal Instruments.
- Infeftments. Legal instruments.
- Inventories.
- Memorandums. Legal documents.
- Procuratories of resignation.
- Sasine. Instrument of sasine.
- Stent rolls. Tax records.
Repository Details
Part of the Archives and Manuscripts Repository
Archives and Manuscript Division
National Library of Scotland
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