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Music manuscript of reels and strathspeys, ca. 1766, belonging to Elizabeth Rose of Kilravock.

Identifier: Acc.14558

Content Description

A volume of dance tunes, containing reels and strathspeys with titles in Gaelic, Scots and English. With the exception of the first tune, which is arranged for the piano, the tunes are set for the fiddle.

The volume bears the ownership inscription of Elizabeth Rose, but nearly all of the contents are the work of a different scribe. Two pieces with their titles are written out in her hand, as well as the title of a further tune which the main scribe of the volume had left unidentified.

Apart from four tunes ascribed to Duncan Campbell (folios 1v, 3r, 4r and 5r), the tunes in the volume appear without ascription.

Out of the 90 tunes in the volume, 23 bear titles in Gaelic, written in phonetic spelling. A number of others have generic names or are assigned no titles at all. The tunes are as follows:

Morach, for piano. Folio 1 recto. [in the hand of Elizabeth Rose]

Roses Hall by Mr Cuncan Campbell. Folio 1 verso.

A Stratchspey Reill. Folio 2 recto.

An easie song. Folio 2 verso. [in the hand of Elizabeth Rose]

A Reell composed by Mr Duncan Campbell. Folio 3 recto.

A Reell by Duncan Campbell. Folio 4 recto.

A Reell by Duncan Campbell. Folio 5 recto.

Lord Killmors Reell. Folio 6 recto.

Sweet Mallie A Reell. Folio 7 recto.

Ms Katy Gordon of Earlstons Reell. Nach leig ro lum a highland Reell. Folio 8 recto.

Ha peanish Ek a Millar a highland Reell. Folio 9 recto.

Carn na peyenlarn a highland Reell. Folio 10 recto.

Reell A…. Narran; Feach a bell Ta Ruttan ackel. Folio 11 recto.

Callam Roackach; [untitled tune]. Folio 12 recto.

Tullach Gorm A Reell. Folio 13 recto.

A StritchSpey Reell; A StratchSpey Reell. Folio 14 recto.

A StratchSpey Rell; Captain Lockats Reell. Folio 15 recto.

Ms Roses Reel on another key; A StratchSpey Reell. Folio 16 recto.

The Fir Tree a Stratch Spey Reell; [untitled tune]. Folio 17 recto.

Laikith orts cha Torrich a StratchSpey Reell; Fer Ma Chrii a Croatall a Reell. Folio 18 recto.

The Duik of Atheles Reell; A Reell. Folio 19 recto.

[Three untitled tunes]. Folio 20 recto.

Mack tallan aockus Morror Marr; [untitled tune]. Folio 21 recto.

A StatchSpey Rell [sic]; A highland Reell. Folio 22 recto.

Bog an Lochan a highland Reell. Folio 23 recto.

Rill a Cill; Peack Yoro na heellie a Reell; Ceam a Dullnaich a Reell. Folio 24 recto.

The Good Man of Blyth a Reell; [untitled tune]. Folio 25 recto.

The wantant Towdie a Reell; Phat a lum a ha u peoy a higland [sic] Reell. Folio 26 recto.

Clouini hall a Reell. Folio 27 recto.

Lord Albremarle his Reell; Mc Lachlans Rant. Folio 28 verso.

Mis Chamers Reell; The whigs of Fife. Folio 29 recto.

Ha ta Prachan ort a Reell; A Rilla Rour Toung. Folio 30 recto.

Fer ma Chri Alester a highland Reell; Ball Dallachs Reell; [untitled tune]. Folio 31 recto.

Keep the Countrie [?] bonnie Lasses; Peas Stran a Reel; The Cammeronions Reell. Folio 32 recto.

The ranting higland [sic] man; The Duke of Perths Reell; [untitled tune]. Folio 33 recto.

A Bre Mar Rell [sic]. Folio 34 recto.

Morrour Scim: Lord Lovots Rant. [Morair Sim]. Folio 35 recto.

Hin na buck orra a Reell; [untitled tune]; Cameron has got his wife again [title only in Eliz. Roses's hand]. Folio 36 recto.

Yell ay be welcome back agin; Links of Leith. Folio 37 recto.

I wish you woud marry me now; [untitled tune]. Folio 38 recto.

Nian a votich ha:n rinatin; Ritlichin a Nurlar a Reell. Folio 39 recto.

A Strathspey Rell; Your silly thing; A Stratchspey Reell. Folio 40 recto.

Struan Robertsons rant. Folio 41.

And Teack shall be the Dedie of him; Donald Cowach the highander a Reel; A new Reell. Folio 42 recto.

A highland Reell called Ms Brodies Reell; [untitled tune]. Folio 43 recto.

Tock Highlandmans Reell; Ruit an limm a highlnd [sic] Reell. Folio 44 recto.

Ms Fergussons Rill; [untitled tune]; Wa Mc Eak a winish a Reell. Folio 45 recto.

The sows teal to Gordie a Reell. Folio 46 recto.

Jennie Jo a Reell; [untitled tune]. The "Jennie Jo" tune includes instructions and a drawing how to "tuch the violin with the bow 4 times" as part of the tune. Folio 47 recto.

How mettall a Gill a highland Reell; The Bonnie Hous of Bridie. Folio 48 recto.


  • Creation: ca. 1766


Language of Materials

Includes tune titles in Gaelic, Scots and English.

Conditions Governing Access

Normal access conditions apply.

Conditions Governing Use

Normal reproduction conditions apply, subject to any copyright restrictions.


1 Volumes ; 16.5 x 21 x 1.4 cm.

Custodial History

Signed on folio i verso: "El. Rose Kilravock=Castle Decr 27th 1766". This is the writer Elizabeth Rose, 19th Baroness of Kilravock (1747-1815).

Immediate Source of Acquisition

Bought, Lyon & Turnbull, 16 August 2023, lot 363. Bought with the generous support of the Magnus & Janet Soutar Trust.

Physical Description

i + 48 folios. An oblong volume measuring 16.5 x 21 x 1.4 cm. Bound in quarter leather with covers of drab-coloured paper over millboards. The brown leather spine bears no lettering.

Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Archives and Manuscripts Repository

Archives and Manuscript Division
National Library of Scotland
George IV Bridge
Edinburgh EH1 1EJ
0131 623 3700