Showing Browse Resources: 20551 - 20575 of 20598
Working drafts of two short stories of Norman M Macdonald, "Potatoes and Herring" and "The First Day of the Season".
Working notes by Alexander Philip, the author of several books on the calendar.
Working papers for the memoirs of Colin Simson Cadell, including audio cassettes and computer disks.
Working papers of Margery Clinton relating to the production of pottery, including samples of fired ceramics; with papers relating to her published works and thesis.
Recipes, tests, firing schedules, samples, sketches, and other papers of Margery Clinton relating to the production of pottery, her masters' thesis, and her book, 'Working with lustres'.
Working papers relating to the doctoral thesis of Professor Edward Frederick Denis Roberts; with some official, personal and semi-personal papers dating from his childhood until his death.
Working papers, texts and correspondence of Professor Archie Duncan relating to his work on "Regesta Regum Scottorum, volume 5: The Acts of Robert I, 1306-29".
Working script of a filmed interview, between Trevor Royle, Scottish Arts Council, and Heinrich Böll, first holder of the Neil Gunn International Fellowship.
Works and correspondence of James Pittendrigh MacGillivray.
'Works, in prose and verse, of Alexander Pennecuik, Esq., of Newhall, M.D.’, volume i (Leith, 1814), containing corrections to the text and additions in the margins of many of the pages made at different times by Robert Brown of Newhall and Carlops, advocate, who edited this edition and provided an introductory memoir of the author.
According to a note at the top of the title page this was a 'Corrected Copy, for a New Edition', but no such edition appears to have been published, and the whereabouts of the 'Additions and Corrections in a separate M.S. written more accurately and fully' are not known.
Attached to the flyleaf preceding the title page are a cutting from an unidentified sale catalogue, and notes in an unknown hand concerning plants found on and about Habbie's How and Newhall in August 1897.
‘Works of Henry Mackenzie’ (Edinburgh, 1808), volume viii, containing autograph additions.
Works of John H Balfour Browne.
With manuscript and printed material of Balfour Browne and others, including poetry, essays, plays and novels.
Works of music and poetry, once the property of Elizabeth MacInnes, Dundaleith, with music by William Marshall and pipe music arranged for keyboard.
Works of Saint Augustine.
Works of Saint Jerome, concerning Theology.
Works of St Bernard.
Works on canon law, written in Italy.
Worksheets and corrected proofs of Hugh MacDiarmid, "On a Raised Beach".
With drawings by Reinhard Behrens.
Worksheets and printed exercise books for the Pelman System of Mind and Memory Training, used by Lieutenant Commander Josceline H Drummond.
Writ of George III concerning Robert Wright, Edinburgh Jacobite.
Writ relating to lands of Coulter.
Writ under the Privy Seal pardoning Robert Wright, Edinburgh, for his Jacobite activities.
Writings of James Hogg, published by Blackie & Son in 1837, with biographical material regarding his family, supplied in connection with the Centenary Edition of his 'Works', published by the same firm in 1873.
Writings of Janet Wills, sister of William and Robert Chambers and wife of William Henry Wills.
The papers comprise accounts of a visit to Glasgow Blind Asylum (folio 1) and of experiences, real or fictitious, in Argyll (folio 5), Epping Forest (folio 10), France (folio 20), and the Rhineland (folio 28), and stories (folio 47), undated.
Writings of Robert Lochore, cordiner, poet, and miscellaneous writer.
Writings of Savonarola, translated into English, in the hand of Alexander Falconar, Advocate, who added some comments in the margins, late seventeenth or early eighteenth century.
Contains: ‘De Simplicitate Christianae Vitae’, preceded by the ‘Epistola’, as in the Cologne edition (1550), and followed by a sermon on John, iv, I, preached on 9 June 1495 (folio 101).
There are notes on the manuscript and its writer on folios i and iii.