Descriptions. Documents.
Found in 79 Collections and/or Records:
Account of Corstorphine Parish, with its buildings and the local families, with extracts from registers, etc., collected by John Philp Wood., [1795, or after.]
Account of Corstorphine Parish, with its buildings and the local families, with extracts from registers, etc., collected by John Philp Wood., [1795, or after.]
Account of Corstorphine Parish, with its buildings and the local families, with extracts from registers, etc., collected by John Philp Wood., [1795, or after.]
Account of Dalmeny Parish, with its buildings and the local families, with extracts from registers, etc., collected by John Philp Wood., 1st quarter of 19th century.
Account of England in ‘Memorie novelle de' viaggi per l'Europa cristiana’ by Giovanni Battista Pacichelli., [?1940-?1959.]
Account of Kirkliston Parish, with its buildings and the local families, with extracts from registers, etc., collected by John Philp Wood., 1st quarter of 19th century.
Account of the execution of Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat, [?1747], written by his agent, William Fraser, junior, Writer to the Signet, on the fly-leaves of a printed volume of ‘Heures’ (Paris, 1710).
The book had belonged to Lord Lovat, and was given by him to William Fraser on the 8 April 1747, the day before his execution, which the latter witnessed.
Al-faraj ba‘d al-shiddah, a Turkish manuscript, probably of the eighteenth century, written in a current, fairly readable Naskhi hand, with Persian titles in red., 18th century.
Anonymous description of a proposed route from Port Patrick, Wigtonshire, to Edinburgh for Sir Edward Baker, formely Littlehales, 1st Baronet of Ashcombe, Surrey, with maps and mileage tables.
This is a carefully planned tour. The writer states his reasons for the selection of the route and for rejecting the alternatives, and comments on the history and contemporary situations of the major settlements en route.
'Calicut - account of Mootee Pudam or the Way of Heaven and other games of Malabar' by Alexander Walker., [Circa 1800.]
Copies of letters, 1802-1806, of Charlotte Edgeworth to her brother and sisters, and of a description by Henry Edgeworth of a journey to Edinburgh, October 1803., 1802-1806.
Two family letters, notes, and copies of poems in various hands have been inserted on folios 20-46.
Copy, 18th century of Latin poem, 1595, on Charlemagne by Matthew Brobon Caesar, Professor of Greek at Leipzig; with excerpt, 1399, from 14th century manuscript describing an 'idol of the Teutons'., 14th century, 1595.
Correspondence and newspaper-cuttings relating to the restoration of St Margaret’s Chapel, the Argyll Tower, and the Banqueting Hall of Edinburgh Castle., 1891-1893, undated.
'Descripción del Golfo è Isthmo del Darién, año de 1761', by Antonio de Arebalo., 1761.
Description and transcription, 19th century, of a manuscript of the German translation of the romance of 'Pontus and Sidonia', 1465, in the Landesbibliothek Gotha.
Description of Tahiti by Gregory Warner, surgeon, employed by the London Missionary Society on the island., June 1811.
Description of the armorial bearings of Scottish families, some bearings being shown in colour., Late 17th century.
On folio 4 verso is a note, “This Copie I had from the originall written by Sr. Patrick Lyon Lord Carse and lent to me by him selfe all wrñ with his own hand, which he had lent before to Sr. George McKenzie the king's advocate, who copied itt & made severall additions therto, as every one may doe from ther own experience as I myselfe have done in seāll places. Facile est inventis addere. W A".
Description of the documents in MSS.3824-3829, with letters of the donor, John W Earnshaw, to Dr H W Meikle, regarding these and other sources of information about Thomas Muir., 1948-1949.
Descriptions and drawings, by David Donald, a mechanic from Glasgow, of machinery in Holland, France, and Belgium., 18th century.
Included is a letter of David Donald to his patron, Lord Sinclair, copied by a contemporary from the originals in Lord Sinclair's possession, and preceded by an account, by the copyist, of Donald's career. At the end are some descriptions of machines in Great Britain.
'Descriptions [by Henry Gough] of certain Manuscripts which belonged to John Patrick, third Marquess of Bute’, at Mountstuart., 1848-1900.
Descriptions of travels by Duncan H McPherson., 1937-1944.
Devotional work in a hand of the fourteenth century., 14th century.
'Etat des fonctions et Recette de la Charge d'Exemps des Gardes du Corps pour les Cérémonies dont j'ai été revetu le 23. Octobre 1751', being a copy of the record of ceremonies attended by Joseph Morin de Romainvilliers in his official capacity., 1751-1775.
Most of these were church services and they include descriptions of the funeral ceremonies for Marie Leczinska and Louis XV, 1768, 1774, and the coronation of Louis XVI, 1775. Morin de Romainvilliers was succeeded in the post of Exempt des gardes du corps by Charles Grant in 1777. The document is followed (folio 32) by notes on the duties of the different corps of guards at court.
Harsh description, undated, of the Reverend Edward Irving's matter and manner, communicated, according to a note, by Sir John Carr to Charles Mathews., Early 19th century.
Illustrated description in German verse of a walking tour made by Edwin and Willa Muir and three friends, from Hellerau bei Dresden to Bad Elster, titled 'Familie "Pierrie Pig's" Ausflug'., 1923.
Gerda Krapp, one of the three friends, wrote this account of the tour.