Found in 6601 Collections and/or Records:
Typescript, "Turkey. 1878. Section XVIII", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
Typescript, "Turkey. 1879-80. Section XXII", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
Typescript, "Turkey. Section I. 1877", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
"To the declaration of war by Russia and its commencement."
Typescript, "Turkey. Section II. 1877", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
"To the end of May and first proposals for peace."
Section II is accompanied by a supplement, "Dispatch to Earl of Derby. 30. May. 1877".
Typescript, "Turkey. Section IV. 1877", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
"Continuation of war - Efforts in favor of peace - `Turkish Compassionate Fund.`"
Section IV is accompanied by a supplement : "Despatch to Earl of Derby. 25th June. 1877. [and] Despatch to Earl of Derby. 14th August. 1877".
Typescript, "Turkey. Section IX. 1878", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
"Negociations for bases of peace and armistice at Adrianople - Russian tricks and duplicity to delay their conclusion - Change in Austrian policy - Advance of Russians to Tchataldje - Return of Plenipotentaries and signature of bases of peace and armistice."
Section IX is accompanied by a supplement : "Despatch to Earl of Derby. 28. January. 1878".
Typescript, "Turkey. Section V. 1877", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
"Continuation of the war - Successes of Turks in Europe and Asia - The Gueschoffs - Visit to the Fleet - Troy."
Typescript, "Turkey. Section VII. 1877", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
"Efforts of Turkey to obtain mediation of England - Fall of Plevna and reverses of Turks in Asia - Assembly of Turkish Parliament - England about to interfere - End of 1877."
Section VII is accompanied by a supplement : "Secret despatch to Earl of Derby. 4 Dec. 1877".
Typescript, "Turkey. Section X. 1878", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
"The Fleet ordered up to Constantinople - Russians threaten to enter city - Prorogation of the Chambers - Greece invades Thessaly - The Fleet anchors at the Prince`s Islands - Arrival of M. Fournier."
Section X is accompanied by a manuscript transcription of an article from "The Daily News", 7 February 1878 : "Latest Telegrams. The peace negotiations. Server Pacha on English policy. Charges against Lord Beaconsfield and Mr. Layard".
Typescript, "Turkey. Section XI. 1878", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
"Negociations for armistice and bases of peace - Preliminary Treaty of San Stefano - Visit of Grand Duke Nicholas to the Sultan - Resignation of Lord Derby."
Section XI is accompanied by a typescript supplement :
"Private letter to Earl of Beaconsfield. 20, March 1878."
"Private laetter [sic] to Earl of Derby. 27. March 1878."
"Despatch `most secret` to Earl of Derby 28. March 1878."
Typescript, "Turkey. Section XII. 1878", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
"Opposition of Greeks to Treaty - Lord Salisbury takes office - His circular - Attempt to fortify Constantinople - Austria asks for Bosnia - Insurrection in Thessaly - Resignation of Ahmed Vefyk Pasha - Negociations for withdrawal of British Fleet and Russian Army - Todleben succeeds Grand Duke Nicholas."
Typescript, "Turkey. Section XIII. 1878", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
"Austrian negociations for the occupation of Bosnia. Forward movement of Russian troops - Alarm at Constantinople - Ali Souavi`s conspiracy - Effect upon the Sultan - Fall of Sadyk Pasha."
Typescript, "Turkey. Section XIV. 1878", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
"Negociations for and conclusion of the Cyprus Convention - My views as to Mohammerah - Safvet Pasha named Grand Vizer - Negociations with reference to Greece and Crete - Opposition of Rumania to Russia."
Section XIV is accompanied by a typescript supplement : "Private letter to Lord Salisbury", 15 May 1878.
Typescript, "Turkey. Section XIX. 1879", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
"Fleet moved to Ismid - Convention with Austria - Rustem Pasha named Governor General of Eastern Rumelia - French policy in the East - The Jacobites, Chaldeans and Catholic Armenians - Russian intrigues - The Sultan - His mode of life - Safvet Pasha invested with the Star of India - Obtain leave of absence and return to England - Proposal for settlement of Greek question by Her Majesty`s Government - Return to Constantinople - Audience of the Sultan."
Typescript, "Turkey. Section XV. 1878", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
Typescript, "Turkey. Section XVII. 1878", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
"Occupation of Bosnia by Austria - Pacification of Crete - Rectification of Greek frontiers - Surrender of Varna and Schumla - Audience of Sultan - His sons - Change in succession - My memorandum on reforms."
Typescript, "Turkey. Section XX. 1879", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
Typescript, "Turkey. Section XXI. 1879", by Austen Henry Layard., 1882.
Typescript, undated, of ‘Questions and exercises in English’, part I, by Edward Albert., [1932, or before.]
Typescript, undated, of 'The king my father's death' by Sydney Durward Tremayne, in 32 chapters., [1972-1979.]
With manuscript corrections and several additional pages of manuscripts inserted.
Typescript, with a few manuscript pages of ‘Lucky poet’ by Christopher Murray Grieve, ‘Hugh MacDiarmid'., [?1940-?1941.]
Much of 'Lucky poet' is missing, and the remainder consists largely of those chapters which were not included in the 1943 edition.
Typescript, with manuscript corrections and insertions of ‘Lucky poet’ by Christopher Murray Grieve, ‘Hugh MacDiarmid'., 1940.
The introduction is in manuscript. The volume includes (folios 303-312) a typescript on Queen Margaret de Logy which Hugh MacDiarmid later used as an article (see MS.27061, folio 101).
Typescript, with manuscript corrections in Elizabeth Haldane's hand, of an unpublished biography of Anne Dundas of Arniston., [1928, or before].
The work is largely based on letters written by Anne Dundas, who was an extensive traveller and a talented amateur artist in water-colours.
Letters concerning the work, written to Elizabeth Haldane by friends and relatives of Miss Dundas, precede the text (folios 1-42).
Typescript, with manuscript corrections of ‘Lyrics of Pierre de Ronsard, Vandomois’, chosen and translated by Charles Graves., 1966.
The typescript is preceded by the manuscript of the 'Biographical Introduction' (folio 1), and followed by two colour proofs of the dust-jacket (folio 165).