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State papers collected by Sir James Balfour of Denmilne, volume 5: letters and papers, 1610-1622 (chiefly 1614), undated., 1610-1622, undated.

Identifier: Adv.MS.33.1.1 [v]

Scope and Contents

The volume is entitled ‘Staite business for the yeire 1614. Reg. Ja. 6’, and is marked ‘Denmilne 10’ and ‘A.2.42’.

There are a number of Privy Council memoranda and letters to John Murray, later Earl of Annandale. Subjects include events in the Isles, the rebellion in Orkney and piracy.

The contents are as follows.

(i) Copy of a decreet, [7 May] 1614, by James VI in a submission between ‘William Creichtoun of Ryhill cousin German and condoubtit heir male and of lyne to umgle Robert Lord Sanquhar on the one part, and William Creichton son natural to the said umg[le] Lord on the other part’, both of them claiming right to the Lordship and living of Sanquhar and ‘haill pertinents thairof’. The decreet is unfavourable to the claim of the natural son. See ‘Scots peerage’, volume iii (Edinburgh, 1906), page 232.

(ii) Copy of a letter, [1614], of James VI to a member of the Privy Council of Scotland concerning the Lordship of Sanquhar. The letter is undated and unsigned. In the same hand as (iii).

(iii) A portion of the scroll of the decreet, [1614] – i.e. (i), above – concerning the Lordship of Sanquhar. In the same hand as (ii), with corrections. Dated [1614].

(iv) Scroll letter, [1614], of James VI to one of the members of the Privy Council of Scotland returning the original decreet concerning the Lordship of Sanquhar properly executed. The King seems to think highly of the decision he has given in this matter.

(v) Holograph letter of Andrew Murray of Balvaird to John Murray of Lochmaben requesting the latter’s interest to procure for Thomas Moray’s brother’s son ‘who hes bene with me this thre or four yeires’ the Church of Kilspindie then vacant and in the gift of the Crown. Dated Balvaird, 1 January 1614 [i.e. 1615]. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume ii, page 403.

(vi) Memoranda, [January 1614], of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings in the following matters: a license granted to the Marquis of Huntly to repair to Edinburgh previous to his going to Court; charges directed against the Lords Ochiltree and Torthorwald; the fining of the resetters of the Clan Gregor in the shires of Argyll and Inverness; concerning a challenge given by James Sandilands’ son to Sir James Sandilands, Knight to Francis Bothwell; concerning some serious fires in the town of Dumfries by which the town’s barns, being full of corn, were burnt.

(vii) Memoranda of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings in the following matters: 11 January 1614: Commission of Justiciary issued against John and Donald Caddells, for slaughter, fire raising, and similar acts, committed against Sir John Campbell of Calder, Knight; 18 January 1614: Concerning Hew Weir of Cloburn, a boy of 14, who had been kidnapped and carried to Ireland and there married to the daughter of the Laird of Corhous; concerning Burgh election disputes in Dundee; 20 January 1614: concerning a dispute and challenge passed between the Laird of Auldbar, son-in-law to the Archbishop of St. Andrews, and the Laird of Logie Wishart; concerning the common good of the town of Perth.

(viii) Memoranda, [27 January 1614], of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings in the following matters: the Burgh election disputes of Dundee; and, the postponement to 15 February of the exhibition by Lord Maderty of the son of Allan MacEanduy (Lochiel), being in his hands.

(ix) Holograph letter of Sir Thomas Hamilton to James VI on various matters: the Earl of Orkney; the petition of a Patrick Gordon for reimbursing his charges; and the disarming of the Clan Gregor. Dated Edinburgh, 25 January [?1613]. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 100.

(x) Holograph letter of Sir Thomas Hamilton to James VI on various matters: the customs of the waters of Spey, Findhorn and Lossiemouth claimed by the Earl of Moray; a gift which Bernard Lindsay had got from the King of the impost to be extracted from the taverners inhabiting his houses in Leith, and the use to be made of the impost raised from the rest of the taverners of Leith, concerning which Sir Thomas had been in communication with the Council of Edinburgh. Dated Edinburgh, 4 February [?1613]. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 101.

(xi) Memoranda, 1 February 1614, of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings concerning: the Earl of Orkney; the Lairds of Gight and Newton, who were called to answer for their perseverance in their popish opinions; and a complaint by William Wemyss in Glasgow concerning the iniquity of a decreet and sentence given against him in the Court of parliament at Paris.

(xii) Memorandum, 17 February 1614, of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings concerning certain leaders of the Clan Gregor for whose exhibition before the Council the Earl of Perth, the Lord Maderty and his son, the Earl of Enzie and the Laird of Grant were alleged to be liable; also concerning divers meetings held with the officers of the Cunzie House concerning the copper coin.

(xiii) Memoranda, 24 February 1614, of the Privy Council of Scotland concerning: the readmission of Sir John Skene of Curriehill to the Council; the appearance of the Laird of Grant before the Council in reference to those of the Clan Gregor alleged to be in his custody; the apprehension of Jeane Browne, Lady Garroche and Master Herbert Browne, his brother; and the allowance of an exoneration granted by the King to the Laird of Lochinvar of the sum of ten thousand merks incurred by him as Cautioner for William Douglas, sometime of Lincluden. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume i, page 324.

(xiv) Holograph letter of the Earl of Argyll to James VI concerning the resetting of some of the Clan Gregor by the Laird of Grant. Dated Leith, 23 February [1614].

(xivA) A slip of paper, undated, entitled ‘Sir James McConeillis Cautionaris’, comprising a list of eight names.

(xv) Memoranda, 1 March 1614, of the Privy Council of Scotland concerning the Earl of Orkney; the Commissions of the four Sheriffdoms which are become in the King’s hands; an act of Council for a general celebration of the communion throughout the realm on the 14 April next; and meetings with the officers of the mint concerning the copper coin. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume i, page 325.

(xvi) Memoranda, 8 March 1614, of the Privy Council of Scotland concerning: a license freeing Sir John Ker of Littledean of his ward on account of sickness, on caution for his appearance when summoned; a petition from the Earl of Orkney; a complaint made by the Bishop of Orkney stating his losses in the King’s service, and his sufferings including from the delay in setting him in his Bishoprick; and the death of Samuel Cockburn, Sheriff Principal of Edinburgh. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume i, page 325.

(xvii) Memoranda, 15 March 1614, of the Privy Council of Scotland concerning: the Earl of Orkney; alleged threats by James Lyon, son to the late Master of Glamis against the life of the Earl of Kinghorne; the license to Lady Bothwell to visit her estate in England; and the Bishop of Orkney’s accounts in which the Treasurer Depute alleged there were sundry errors prejudicial to James VI. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume i, page 327.

(xviii) Memoranda, 29 April 1614, of the Privy Council of Scotland concerning: Thomas Johnston who abused the Bishop of Brechin; letter of James VI concerning James Drummond, Sheriff Clerk of Perth and preferring of Master Harie Kynrose to his office; the late surprising and taking of the Castle of Dunyvaig in Islay from the servants of the Bishop of the Isles, by the Clan Donald, with various proceedings following thereon; and a heavy complaint made by the Magistrates of Edinburgh concerning English pirates presently upon the seas, partly at the coast of Norway and on the English coast about Tynemouth.

(xix) The observations, [?1614], made by the Earl of Home and Lord Roxburgh concerning the ‘signature conceavit’ in favour of Francis Stewart, son to the late Frances, sometime Earl Bothwell.

(xx) Memoranda, 24 May 1614, of the Privy Council of Scotland concerning: a complaint by the town of Brem against Sir James Stewart of Killeith and the farmers of the customs; the providing of pilots and other crew for the Captains of the King’s ships who had volunteered to sail against the pirates, who are said now to be about Caithness, Orkney and Shetland; and an ample Commission expedited to the Earl of Caithness for the pursuit of the pirates within his bounds.

(xxi) Holograph letter, undated, of the Ear of Home to James VI, which appears to hint at an ‘auld band’ due by the King to the writer.

(xxii) Holograph letter of the Earl of Argyll, discussing the relief from prison of the Earl of Lothian who was engaged to be married to Argyll’s daughter. Dated Edinburgh, 17 May [1611].

(xxiii) Holograph letter of Archibald Campbell (brother of the Laird of Lawers) to James VI, giving an account of a conference he had with the Laird of Grant, and of the present state of the service against the Clan Gregor. Dated Edinburgh, 14 May [1614].

(xxiv) Memoranda, 17 May 1614, of the Privy Council of Scotland concerning: Aleson Simpson; the transporting of the Earl of Orkney from the Castle of Edinburgh to that of Dumbarton; the trial of Helen and Isabel Erskine for poisoning; two English pirates taken in Orkney; the dispute between the town of Brem and the officers of the Customs; a grant of 1000 merks for repairing the tollbooth of Jedburgh; the appointment of Sir James Dundas of Arniston as Sheriff of Lothian; the threats made by James Lyon illegitimate son of the late Master of Glamis against the life of the Earl of Kinghorne; and a question affecting the Admiralty of Orkney and Shetland.

(xxv) Letter of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI concerning a claim made by the Duke of Lennox to the assise herring of the North isles; and generally concerning the herring fishing and a patent alleged granted to the Dutch of the terms of which the Council were ignorant. Dated Edinburgh, 17 May 1614. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 129.

(xxvi) Memoranda, 9 June 1614, of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings towards the recovery of the Castle of Dunyvaig in Islay, now held by Angus Og Macdonald against the Bishop of the Isles, the legal keeper of the castle.

(xxvii) Duplicate of (xxvi)

(xxviii) Holograph letter, [?1613], of Samuel Cockburn to James VI. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume i, page 308; and in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 376.

(xxix) Memoranda, 23 June 1614, of the Privy Council of Scotland concerning: the slaughter of John Murray by Gavin Drummond of Kildres; the exportation of gold and silver for purchasing coin; a complaint made from Campvere (i.e. Veere, in the Netherlands) that many Catholics resorted there and were in the habit of trading with Scotland; a general weapons hawing; and the conviction of the three sisters of the House of Dun, for the poisoning of their cousins the brethren of Dun. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume i, page 327.

(xxx) Letter of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI concerning an arrangement proposed to be made between the merchants and skippers of the realm in the matter of navigation and employment of the country ships. Dated Holyroodhouse, 10 June 1619. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 327.

(xxxi) Duplicate of (xxix).

(xxxii) Memoranda, 24 June 1613, of proceedings of the Privy Council of Scotland in conferences with the Earl of Argyll and the landlords of the Clan Gregor, concerning the present state of the service against the Clan, and particularly as to the measures to be taken with the children of the name. At the end of the paper is an item that the Council had refused the Earl of Cassilis his liberty craved by him ever council day until the King’s pleasure be know.

(xxxiii) Duplicate of (xxxii).

(xxxiv) Holograph letter of Sir Gideon Murray to James VI concerning the silver mines; and also a question between the officers of State and the Archbishop of St. Andrews as to the privilege of regality acclaimed by him upon the lands pertaining to the Prior of St Andrews. Dated Edinburgh, 9 June 1614. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 216; and in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume i, page 332.

(xxxv) Letter of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI concerning a petition for his liberation presented to them by Sir James McConeill. Dated Edinburgh, 2 June 1614. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 131.

(xxxvi) Letter of a committee of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI concerning the dispute between William Crichton of Ryhill and the illegitimate son of the late Lord Sanquhar. Dated Edinburgh, 7 June 1614. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 132.

(xxxvii) Letter of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI concerning the dispute between the Officers of State and the Archbishop of St. Andrews (see also (xxxv)). The letter alludes also to a conference between the Archbishop and the Commissaries of Edinburgh concerning an action of John Monypenny and Thomas Crichton. Dated Edinburgh, 7 June 1614. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 134; and in Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume i, page 330.

(xxxviii) Memoranda, 28 June 1614, or Privy Council of Scotland proceedings concerning a dispute between the Earl of Murray and Macintosh, the latter of whom was in ward; a commission given to Sir James Stewart of Killeith to recover the castle of Kirkwall in Orkney which had been surprised and taken by an illegitimate son of the Earl of Orkney; a commission given to Sir James Stewart to execute some pirates that had been apprehended in Orkney; a warrant to Lord Scone to deliver the late Lord Sanquhar’s house in Perth to Alexander Seaton of Gargunnock; and a question lately arisen between the Marquis of Hamilton and Master of Ogilvy concerning the privilege of holding Ballies Courts within the Lordship of Arbroath. Partly printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 283.

(xxxix) Memorandum, 30 June 1614, of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings concerning: the complaint of the town of Brem against the officers of customs; a dispute between Sir James Stewart and the farmers of the customs concerning the customs of Orkney; the death of Sir James Douglas of Spot, Sheriff of Haddington; and the appearance of trouble concerning the Earl of Caithness and the lands of Dunbeath.

(xl) Copy [?] of a letter, [1614], of Captain William Monson of the Navy to the Lord Chancellor of Scotland concerning the pirates in the north. Although called on the back a copy, this letter seems to bear the actual signature of Captain Monson.

(xli) This number has not been used.

(xlii) Copy of a letter, 1 June 1614, of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI concerning the accounts of the late Sir William Murray of Tullibardine, Comptroller, in the hand of a clerk of the Council.

(xliii) Holograph letter of Captain William Monson to the Earl of Nottingham, Lord High Admiral of England, concerning the progress of the service against the pirates in the north. Dated Orkney, 7 June 1614.

(xliv) Holograph letter of Sir Gideon Murray to James VI concerning a pardon to George Seton and Mr Andro, Clerk notar in Aberdeen, for forgery committed by them in a process between Seton and Alexander Forbes of Fingask. Dated Edinburgh, 16 June 1614.

(xlv) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline, Lord Chancellor of Scotland, to John Murray of the King’s Bedchamber, concerning: Lord Sanquhar’s affairs; Francis Stewart; the pirates in the north; the Marquis of Hamilton and Lord Ogilvy; and an embroidered ‘poolke’ for carrying the Great Seal. Dated Holyroodhouse, 30 June 1614. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 218.

(xlvi) Letter, [June 1613], of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI concerning a complaint made by the Earl of Cassilis against the Laird of Kelwood. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 125.

(xlvii) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to John Murray of the Bedchamber, on private matters with the exception of an allusion to ‘this business we have had betwixt Lord Sanquhar & Drumlanrick’. Dated Holyroodhouse, 22 July 1614.

(xlviii) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to John Murray of the Bedchamber, chiefly with a view to counteract the Laird of Skelmorlie, who had gone up to Court in connection with a dispute between him and the Earl of Eglinton. This letter notices the weather of summer 1614 as the most unseasonable by daily rains, winds, frosts, and cold, as has ever been heard of in any man’s remembrance. Dated Holyroodhouse, 15 July 1614. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 221.

(xlix) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to John Murray of the Bedchamber, concerning: the variance between the Lords Sanquhar and Kilmaurs, and Drumlanrick and his brother; the rebellion in Orkney by the Earl’s illegitimate son; and the ‘unhappy accident’ of Francis Bothwell’s slaughter. Dated Holyroodhouse, 29 July 1614. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 225.

(l) Holograph letter of John Murray to the Earl of Dunfermline, mentioning the unexpected arrival of the King of Denmark in London; and with some remarks on the business between Lord Sanquhar and Drumlanrick. Dated Whitehall, 24 July 1614. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume ii, page 355.

(li) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to John Murray which alludes to ‘that matter about the Chapel Royal’. Dated Holyroodhouse, 8 July 1614. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 219; and in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume i, page 349.

(lii) Memoranda, 12 July 1614, of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings concerning: a complaint against William Middlemest, Constable of the Castle, for alleged opposition to the King’s Guard in a matter connected with the Earl of Orkney; the apprehension and confession of Knox, a servant of Middlemest; the examination of James Smith in Peterhead charged with giving information to pirates; and the business between Lords Kilmaurs and Sanquhar on the one part and young Drumlanrick and his brother on the other part, of which a very full detail is given.

(liii) Memoranda, 21 July 1614, of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings concerning: Lord Sanquhar and Drumlanrig; the charge against James Smith in Peterhead of giving information to pirates, in reference to which the Earl of Caithness is examined; and the Sheriffships of Linlithgow and Dumbarton.

(liv) Letter of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI concerning a signature in favour of Francis Stewart, son to the late Earl of Bothwell. Dated Edinburgh, 22 July 1614. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 140.

(lv) Letter of the Earl Marshall to James VI in consequence of complaints made against the Earl by the Laird of Halkerton. Dated Dunnottar, 28 July 1614. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 223.

(lvi) Memoranda, 28 July 1614, of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings concerning: the slaughter of Francis Stewart, the circumstances of which are detailed; the conclusion of the business between Lord Sanquhar and Drumlanrig; the Earl of Argyll and the Clan Gregor; the relieving of the confined ministers of Fife; a proclamation against drunkards conform to the act of the Synod of St. Andrews; and lastly, the rebellion in Orkney. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume ii, page 328; and in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 284.

(lvii) Letter of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI on the subject of the claim of the Earl of Murray to the customs of the rivers Spey and Findhorn. See (x). Dated Edinburgh, 7 July 1614. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 135.

(lviii) Memoranda, 7 July 1614, of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings concerning: the Earl of Orkney and the rebellion in Orkney; the pirates in the North; and the customs of Orkney. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 285.

(lix) Deposition of Duncan Mitchell, who had been carrying letters between the Earl of Orkney and Robert, the Earl’s illegitimate son; and a copy of a letter from the Earl to his son. Dated Edinburgh, 5 July 1614. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 294.

(lx) Duplicate of (lix); and the second deposition of Barnard Stewart concerning the rebellion in Orkney. Dated Edinburgh, 5 July and 11 August 1614. The deposition of Barnard Stewart is printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 296.

(lxi) Holograph letter of Sir John Skene to James VI concerning the office of Keeper of the Register of Hornings which had been promised to Sir John’s son, Alexander. Dated Edinburgh, 9 August 1614. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume ii, page 368; and in Analecta Scotica’ edited by James Maidment (2nd series), page 261.

(lxii) This number has not been used.

(lxiii) Copy of an unsigned letter (probably of the Bishop of Orkney) to Lord Binning, Secretary, detailing the progress of the service against the rebels of Orkney. Dated Weyland, 27 August 1614. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume ii, page 369; and in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 145.

(lxiv) Letter of Sir Alexander Hay to John Murray of Dundrennan, of the King’s Bedchamber, in favour of Samuel Cockburn. Dated Edinburgh, 8 August [1614]. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume i, page 326, note.

(lxv) Letter of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI concerning the Bishoprick of Orkney. Dated Edinburgh, 27 July 1614. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume ii, page 357; and in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 141.

(lxvi) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to James VI concerning the settling of disputes about the Abbacy and Kirks of Kilwinning between the Archbishop of Glasgow, the Lord Burleigh , and the Earl of Eglinton. Dated Holyroodhouse, 4 August 1614. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume ii, page 366.

(lxvii) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to John Murray of the Bedchamber, thanking the latter for his letter about the King of Denmark – see (l) – and also concerning the settling of disputes about the Abbacy and Kirks of Kilwinning. Dated Edinburgh, 4 August 1614. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume ii, page 367.

(lxviii) Holograph letter of Sir Gideon Murray to John Murray of the Bedchamber, in connection with the affairs of Islay. It would seem from this letter that John Murray intended to become tenant of Islay and some of the other isles, under the Crown. Dated Edinburgh, 6 August 1614.

(lxix) Memoranda, 3 August 1614, of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings concerning: Lord Scone and Andro Henderson; the rebellion in Orkney; the appearance of the principal Islemen before the Council; the Earl of Argyll, the Clan Gregor and the Landlords of the latter. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 285.

(lxx) Memoranda of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings concerning: 24 August 1614: the state of the service against the Clan Gregor, and various questions between the Earl and the Landlords of that Clan; the differences between the Lairds of Waughton and Whittingham connected with the slaughter of Francis Stewart, son to the late Earl of Bothwell; an exoneration to the Earl of Abercorn of his cautionary touching the Irish plantation; the sailing of the Earl of Caithness to Orkney with two ships; the going of the Bishop of the Isles to Islay; bonds taken from the Islemen; 25 August 1614: the Earl of Argyll and the landlords of the Clan Gregor; the number of outlaws then left of that Clan; and the petition from Margaret Hartsyde, spouse to John Buchanan. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 286.

(lxxi) “Progress of my Lord [Howard de] Walden’s journay in Scotland”, [After 1612].

(lxxii) Letter of the Mackintosh of Dunachton to James VI praying to be liberated from prison where he had then ‘lain a twelvemonth’, in consequence of his dispute with the Earl of Moray. Dated Edinburgh Castle, 3 August 1614. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 226.

(lxxiii) Letter of the Privy Council of Scotland to James VI, which had enclosed ‘leets of three’ from whom sheriffs were to be elected for certain vacant Sheriffdoms. Dated Edinburgh, 20 September. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 172.

(lxxiv) Copy of a letter of the Earl of Caithness to the Secretary of the Privy Council of Scotland, with an account of his proceedings against rebels in Orkney. Date Kirkwall Castle, 30 September 1614. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 174; and in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 288.

(lxxv) Copy of a letter of the Earl of Caithness to the Treasurer Depute (Sir Gideon Murray), concerning proceedings against rebels in Orkney. Dated Kirkwall Castle, 30 September 1614. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 288.

(lxxvi) Copy of the confession of Andro Martin concerning the rebellion in Orkney. Dated Kirkwall, 14 September 1614. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 301.

(lxxvii) Depositions of several witnesses as to the rebellion in Orkney. Dated Edinburgh, 13 September 1614. A partial duplicate of the deposition is at (xliii). Also, an examination and deposition, 10 October 1614, of Andro Martin, at Edinburgh. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, pages 296, 302.

(lxxviii) Memoranda, 14 September 1614, of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings concerning: the slaughter of Francis Stewart; a complaint by certain merchants of Edinburgh against the King of Sweden; and a complaint by a skipper of St Andrews against the Fowde & Captain of Birrem in Norway.

(lxxix) Copy of a letter of Lord Binning to the Lord Chancellor of Scotland, concerning some Spaniards then at Burntisland and suspected of piracy. Written in answer to (lxxxv). Dated Edinburgh, 22 September. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 160.

(lxxx) Copy of a letter of the Bishop of the Isles to Lord Binning freeing himself from the imputation of negligence concerning the affairs of Islay, and detailing his proceedings for some time past. Dated Islay, 23 September 1614. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 164; and in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume ii, page 372.

(lxxxi) Copy of a letter, [September 1614], of the Bishop of Orkney to Lord Binning (received 13 September), concerning the siege of the Castle of Kirkwall. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 151; and in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume ii, page 370.

(lxxxii) Copy of a letter, 5 September 1614, of the Earl of Caithness to Lord Binning detailing: the siege and capture of the yards of Kirkwall from the rebels; and the surrender of the steeple which had been occupied by the rebels. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 147.

(lxxxiii) Holograph letter of Lord Binning to his brother Patrick Hamilton at Court for the information of James VI as to the rebellions in Orkney and Islay. Dated Edinburgh, 15 September 1614. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 157.

(lxxxiv) Copy letter of the Privy Council of Scotland to the Earl of Caithness concerning the rebellion in Orkney. Dated Edinburgh, 15 September 1614. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 154.

(lxxxv) Copy of a letter, 22 September 1614, of the Earl of Dunfermline to Lord Binning concerning a Spanish ship at Burntisland suspected to be a pirate. It was in answer to this letter that (lxxix) was written. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 159.

(lxxxvi) Holography letter of Lord Binning to his brother Patrick Hamilton. A private letter which touches on many different matters including the rebellion in Orkney. Dated Edinburgh, 23 September [?1614]. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 161.

(lxxxvii) Holograph letter, 28 September [?1614], of Lord Binning to his brother Patrick Hamilton. Permission is given to show such parts, as Hamilton may think fit, of his brother’s letter to James VI or the Lord Chamberlain. A private letter, with much studied obscurity. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 167.

(lxxxviii) Holograph letter of Lord Binning to his brother Patrick Hamilton concerning: the Bishop of Orkney; the Earl of Caithness; old Lady Atholl and her pretended husband; Robert Stewart the rebel of Orkney; and an expected Spanish invasion. Dated Edinburgh, 28 September [1614]. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 169.

(lxxxix) Holograph letter of Lord Binning to his brother Patrick Hamilton, by the hands of Archibald Campbell, concerning the offers of the Laird of Cadell (or Calder) as to Islay; and concerning the feuing of the Isles generally. Dated Edinburgh, 28 September [1614]. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 170.

(xc) Deposition of Archibald Murray before the Earl of Caithness as to the rebellion in Orkney. Dated Kirkwall, 9 September 1614.

(xci) Deposition, [9 September 1614?], of Thomas Blak, alias Douglas, before the Earl of Caithness, concerning the rebellion in Orkney.

(xcii) Depositions, [9 September 1614?] of Thomas Laing and Alexander Legat before the Earl of Caithness in Kirkwall, concerning the Rebellion in Orkney.

(xciii) Partial duplicate of (lxxvii). Dated Edinburgh, 13 September 1614.

(xciv) Partial duplicate of (lxxvii). Dated Edinburgh, 13 September 1614.

(xcv) Copy of the bond of association, 1614, subscribed by the rebels in Orkney. Another copy is at (cvii). Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 293.

(xcvi) Letter of the Archbishop of Glasgow and Lord Binning to James VI concerning the dispute between the Clerk Register and Sir John Skene about the Office of Registrar of Hornings. Dated Edinburgh, 20 September [?1614]. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 173; and in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume ii, page 383.

(xcvii) Copy of a letter of the Bishop of Orkney to the Treasurer Depute concerning the present state of affairs in Orkney. Dated Kirkwall, 1 October 1614. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume ii, page 380.

(xcviii) Holograph letter of Anna, Countess of Eglinton to John Murray of the King’s Bedchamber, being a letter of thanks for his services to the Earl of Eglinton. Dated Seton, 21 October 1614.

(xcix) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to John Murray of the Bedchamber, concerning Lord Eglinton’s business at Court. Dated Edinburgh, 27 October 1614.

(c) Holograph letter of Sir Alexander Hay, possibly to John Murray, concerning discrepancies between the old and more modern retours of many lands, particularly in Fife and Lothian, to the prejudice of the crown; the cause of these discrepancies; and the best means of remedying them. Dated Edinburgh, 6 October [1614]. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 235.

(ci) Letter of the Earl of Abercorn to John Murray of the Bedchamber, mentioning that he was about to proceed to Ireland on matters connected with the King’s service. The letter is full of professions of duty and obedience to James VI. Dated Southeuny, 12 September 1614. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 229.

(cii) Holograph letter of the Earl of Mar to John Murray of the Bedchamber. The content is obscure, but in one part of the letter allusion is made to the heavy sickness of the Lord Treasurer. Dated Stirling, 3 March 1612(?).

(ciii) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to John Murray concerning the business of the Earl of Eglinton, Dunfermline’s nephew. Dated Dalgatie, 18 October 1614.

(civ) Memoranda, 26 October 1614, of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings concerning: the admission of the Earl of Caithness on the Council; a commission granted to the Laird of Calder against the rebels of Islay with other proceedings of interest in connection with that rebellion; the demolition of the Castle of Kirkwall; the examination of some of the rebels from Orkney; the transportation (i.e. exportation) of coals; and lastly, a priest apprehended by the Archbishop of St. Andrews.

(cv) Note, 22 October 1614, of a conference held by the Lord Secretary and Lord Advocate with the Earl of Orkney, concerning the late rebellion in Orkney. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 320; and in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page

(cvi) Copy of articles sent by the Earl of Caithness to be resolved by the Privy Council of Scotland, concerning the service in Orkney. Received 10 October 1614. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 292; and in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 185.

(cvii) Copy of the bond of association, 1614, by the rebels of Orkney; without signatures. Another copy is at (xcv). Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 293.

(cviii) Copy of a letter of Andro Martin to the Lord Secretary with information concerning the Earl of Orkney. Dated Edinburgh, 10 October 1614. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 303; and in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 184.

(cix) Holograph letter of the Earl of Caithness to James VI announcing his success in Orkney against the rebels. Dated Kirkwall Castle, 1 October 1614. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 290.

(cx) Copy of a letter of the Earl of Caithness to the Lord Secretary (?) giving some details connected with the siege of the Castle of Kirkwall. Dated Kirkwall, 7 October 1614. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 291; and in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 182.

(cxi) Holograph letter of Sir Alexander Hay, Lord Clerk Register, on various subjects: William Douglas of Pinzerie who had married the forfeited Lord Maxwell’s sister; the accounts of the late Comptroller (Sir William Murray of Tullibardine); a pirate ship taken by Neill McLeod in the Lewis; Barnard Lindsay; Lord Burleigh; the numbers of the Westland Scots who are flocking over to Ireland; and lastly, a priest convicted of treason for denying the King’s jurisdiction. Dated Edinburgh, 3 September [1610]. Printed in ‘Analecta Scotica’ edited by James Maidment (2nd series), page 281.

(cxii) Letter, undated, of Andro Henderson of Laton to James VI.

(cxiii) Copy of a letter, 25 August 1614, of the Earl of Caithness to Lord Binning, during the progress of the service against the rebels in Orkney. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 143; and in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 286.

(cxiv) Copy of a letter of the Bishop of Orkney to Lord Binning concerning the present state of the service against the rebels. Dated Kirkwall, 6 October 1614. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 180; and in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 290.

(cxv) Copy of a deposition of the Jesuit and Catholics examined at Glasgow. Dated Glasgow, 5 October 1614. Printed in ‘Original letters relating to the Ecclesiastical affairs of Scotland’ (Bannatyne Club, 1851), volume ii, page 387.

(cxvi) Holograph letter of the Earl of Abercorn to John Murray of the Bedchamber, concerning Irish affairs. Dated Bangor, 3 October 1614. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 233.

(cxvii) Offers, undated, of Sir James Macdonald of Islay and Kintyre, then in ward. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 370.

(cxviii) Holograph letter, undated, of Marie Stewart to John Murray of the Bedchamber thanking him and his wife for their good offices.

(cxix) Holograph letter of the Earl of Mar to John Murray of the Bedchamber. Dated Alloa, 10 October 1614.

(cxx) Letter of the Lord Chancellor, Secretary and Advocate to James VI concerning the rebellion in Islay and their dealing with John Campbell of Cadell (or Calder) to take charge of the suppression of it. Dated Edinburgh, 1 October 1614. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 178.

(cxxi) Memoranda, 5 October 1614, of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings concerning: the Lady Atholl and her husband; the bringing of the Earl of Orkney from Dumbarton to Edinburgh; the acceptance by the Lairds of Dundas and Fulwood of the Sheriffships of Linlithgow and Dumbarton respectively; the exportation of wool; the Spanish ship at Burntisland – see also (lxxix) and (lxxxv) – and lastly a petition given in by Sir George Hamilton, tacksman of Islay. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 286.

(cxxii) Examination of the Earl of Orkney and re-examination of Robert, his illegitimate son, and Patrick Halcro, concerning the late rebellion. Dated Edinburgh, 15 November 1614. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 322.

(cxxiii) Memoranda, 17 November 1614, of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings concerning: the petition from the Laird of Ratter whom the Earl of Caithness had left as his deputy in Orkney; and the exportation of wool. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 286.

(cxxiv) Copy of a deposition, 1 November 1614, of Margaret Buchanan, taken before the Bishop of Orkney and others, concerning the late rebellion in Orkney. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 304.

(cxxv) Copy of a deposition, 3 October 1614, of John Burn (‘then lying sick’) taken by the Bishop of Orkney, concerning the rebellion in Orkney. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 301.

(cxxvi) This number has not been used.

(cxxvii) Memoranda, 1 November 1614, of Privy Council of Scotland proceedings concerning: John Sharp, Servitor to the Earl of Orkney, and the Earl himself; an apparent dearth and scarcity likely to ensue; a superceder to be granted to the Earl of Argyll and his cautioners; and lastly a five year tack proposed to be made of the assise herring of Dunbar.

(cxxviii) Examination of Robert Stewart, illegitimate son of the Earl of Orkney, and of Patrick Halcro, concerning the late rebellion. Dated Edinburgh, 14 November 1614. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, pages 306-307.

(cxxix) First examination of Patrick, Earl of Orkney, and re-examination of John Sharp, his servant, concerning the late rebellion. Dated Edinburgh, 2 November 1614. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, pages 320.

(cxxx) First examination of John Sharpe, concerning the late rebellion in Orkney. Dated Edinburgh, 1 November 1614. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, pages 304.

(cxxxi) Examination of James Lyon, illegitimate son of the late Master of Glamis, concerning communications between him and the Earl of Orkney to enable the latter to break ward and escape from Dumbarton Castle; and the examination of Michael Mair and of Duncan Maclean in the same matter. Dated Edinburgh, 19 November 1614. Also examination, 22 November 1614, of the Earl and his son Robert confronted with the named three witnesses. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, pages 323.

(cxxxii) Holograph letter of the Earl of Mar to John Murray of the Bedchamber, concerning business of the Laird of Waughton. (See (lvi) and (lxx)). Dated Holyroodhouse, 25 November 1614. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 238.

(cxxxiii) Holograph letter of the Earl of Abercorn to John Murray of the Bedchamber, concerning Irish affairs and the Earls claims. Dated Edinburgh, 6 December 1614. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 239.

(cxxxiv) Letter of the Lords of Session to James VI concerning an alteration proposed to be made in the sittings of the Court of Session. Dated Edinburgh, 23 December 1614. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 191.

(cxxxv) Holograph letter of the Earl of Abercorn to Sir James Fullerton, Knight, concerning Irish affairs. Dated Edinburgh, 6 December 1614. Printed in ‘Analecta Scotica’ edited by James Maidment (2nd series), page 287.

(cxxxvi) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline possibly to John Murray, concerning the measures he had taken, successfully, to relieve the son of the Bishop of the Isles and the Laird of Ranfurly from the hands of the rebels of Islay, to whom the Bishop had some time before been forced to deliver these gentlemen as hostages. Dated Edinburgh, 9 December 1614. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 240.

(cxxxvii) Holograph letter of Lord Binning to John Murray of the Bedchamber recommending to the latter’s notice a gentleman (not named) whose affairs called him to Court. Dated Edinburgh, 4 December [?1614]. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 189.

(cxxxviii) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to John Murray of the Bedchamber, concerning among other subjects the examination of the Earl of Orkney and the rebellion in Islay. Dated Edinburgh, 17 November 1614.

(cxxxix) Holograph letter of the Earl of Melrose to John Murray of the Bedchamber, chiefly concerning the dangerous illness of the Lord Chancellor of Scotland. Dated Edinburgh, 13 June [?1622]. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume ii, page 455.

(cxl) Holograph letter, [?1615], of Lord Binning, possibly to John Murray, concerning: William Murray, Parson of Dysart’s behaviour and profession of his duty and respect to the Bishops; and generally, ecclesiastical affairs. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 194.

(cxli) Holograph letter of the Earl of Melrose to John Murray, concerning the private affairs of the latter. Dated Edinburgh, 28 May [?1621]. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume ii, page 398.

(cxlii) Holograph letter of Lord Binning to his brother Patrick Hamilton, at Court, concerning the suppression of the rebellion in Orkney. Dated Edinburgh, 13 September 1614. Printed in ‘Ancient criminal trials in Scotland’ by Robert Pitcairn (Edinburgh, 1833), volume iii, page 293; and in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 153.

(cxliii) Holograph letter of the Earl of Dunfermline to John Murray, concerning the plea as to the Lordship of Sanquhar. Dated Edinburgh, 10 February 1614. Printed in ‘Letters and state papers of James VI’ (Abbotsford Club, 1838), page 215.

(cxliv) Holograph letter of Lord Binning to John Murray, concerning the private affairs of the latter. Dated Edinburgh, 2 June [?1614]. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 137.

(cxlv) Holograph letter of Sir Thomas Hamilton to John Murray, concerning the private affairs of the latter. A postscript mentions the execution of Lord Maxwell at 4 o’clock that afternoon. Dated Edinburgh, 21 May [1613]. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 120.

(cxlvi) Holograph letter of Lord Binning to John Murray, in favour of the Town of Edinburgh, intended to counteract a complaint made, or about to be made, to the King by the Town of Leith. Dated Edinburgh, 4 October [?1615]. Printed in ‘Melros papers’ (Abbotsford Club, 1837), volume i, page 234.


  • Creation: 1610-1622, undated.


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