Found in 7 Collections and/or Records:
Account of the captivity of Alexander Scott in the Sahara between 1810 and 1816 after having been shipwrecked on the African coast opposite the Canary Islands as set down by Professor Thomas Stewart Traill and William Lawson from conversations with Scott., [1816, or after.]
This detailed account of Alexander Scott's life with nomadic Arabs provides a wealth of sociological and geographical information. Includes a map and geographical appendix by the geographer, James Rennell, and related correspondence.
Bibliographies of Ruthven Todd's works., ?1973, 1980-1981, undated.
The first two (folios 1-9) were compiled by Ruthven Todd himself. The rest are drafts, final version and addenda of a finding-list compiled by his son.
Book of farm and other accounts, apparently of a place in Renfrewshire., 1614, 1619, 1628-1659.
Addendum, perhaps belonging to different series.
'List of books and pamphlets relating to Orkney and Shetland' by James W Cursiter (Kirkwall, 1894), interleaved, with manuscript and printed addenda by James Shand.
The very extensive notes include extracts from printed catalogues, and inserted at the end of the volume (folio 40) is a letter from James Cursiter to James Shand, 1921, acknowledging receipt of bibliographical notes by [Gilbert] Goudie.
Manuscript of parts 1 and 2 of ‘Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn., 1927-1949, 1951-1952.
Typescript of an article, ‘Observations in Defence of the Object Relations Theory of the Personality’, by William Ronald Dodds Fairbairn: and, a draft response by Fairbairn to a review of his publication, `Psychoanalytic Studies of the Personality’., 1954.
Typescripts of letters, 1920-1921, and an original letter, 1924, of A G Walker to Sir John Findlay, Arther Kay and Frank Rinder., 1920-1921, 1924.
Included as an addendum is correspondence between James Pittendrigh Macgillivray, Sir John Findlay, Arther Kay and Frank Rinder. Also included are photographs of sculptures.