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Notebook, undated, of Evelyn Stewart-Murray containing Gaelic grammatical notes, exercises and music., Late 19th century-early 20th century.

Identifier: MS.14889

Scope and Contents

The grammatical notes and exercises are on folios 1-106, and the music is on folios 107-123.

The contents are as follows.

(i) Small envelope bearing Evelyn Stewart Murray's address (folio i);

(ii) Tale headed ‘An t-seana bhantrach’ (folio 1), and an English translation entitled ‘The poor widow’ (folio 2);

(iii) Moral tale headed “Tha irioslachd agus bochdainn a' trearachadh gu neamh” (folio 3) and an English translation, “Humility and poverty lead to Heaven”, typescript (folio 4 recto, verso blank);

(iv) Gaelic grammatical notes (folios 5-12);

(v) Prose text, probably an exercise, beginning: “Tha e soilleir, ged tha na h-oibrichean morea sin a' deanamh anabarr beartais do chuid a dhaoine, gu bheil iad a' toirt cosnaidh à lamhan an t-sluaigh”. (folio 14 blank);

(vi) Grammatical exercises (folios 15-21);

(vii) Small note sheets containing lists of Gaelic songs, possibly made from song collections (folios 22-34);

(viii) Multiple copies of an alphabetical list of vowel-consonant combinations, a list of initial lenited consonants followed by different vowels, with examples, and other examples of letter combinations, formation of plurals, and other grammatical subjects. Containing the original manuscript sheets, together with copies made by an unknown reprographic process (folios 35-86);

(ix) Gaelic word lists (folio 87-92);

(x) Letter, 1895, of John Mackay, of Kingston, to James Stewart Murry, Duke of Atholl, concerning the ‘Celtic Monthly’ magazine and his wish to include the Duke's portrait in it (folios 93-96);

(xi) Gaelic phrases, sentences and prose exercises, partly with corrections. Folios 97-98 in typescript (folios 97-106);

(xii) Music, nearly all in the hand of Evelyn Stewart Murray, chiefly arranged for piano or voice and piano, without song texts except where noted. The arrangements seem to be usually her own (folios 107-123);

The music is as follows.

(xiii) Bifolium of music paper, blank except for the first bar of a sonatina for piano by Muzio Clementi (folios 107-108);

(xiv) ‘Ho ro mo nighean donn bhoidheach’, voice and piano (folio 109 recto); “Bealach a Ghàraidh”, headed ‘Mhic-an-toisich’, voice and piano, the tune a version of “Mc Intoshe's Lament (1526)” in MacDonald, ‘The Gesto Collection of Highland Music’, page 77. Words given in abbreviated form for the choruses (folio 109 recto; verso blank);

(xv) ‘Ho ro mo nighean donn bhoidheach’, for voice and piano (folio 110 recto); “Guma slàn a chì mi mo chailin dìleas donn”, for piano only (folio 110 recto); “An gleann san robh mi òg” (Niall MacLeòid, 1883, using the tune of When the kye comes hame), for voice and piano (folio 110 verso);

(xvi) The place where the old horse died, voice and piano, including the text (folios 112 verso and folio 111: bifolium mounted back to front); ‘Crodh laoigh nam bodach’, piano only (folio 112 recto) (folios 111-112);

(xvii) Piano arrangements of dance tunes headed: ‘Rathad mor’, ‘Taylors’, ‘Plumpie’ and ‘Perth Hunt’ (folio 113; folio 114 blank), “Highland Schottische” and “Dashing White Sergeant” (incomplete) (folio 115) (folios 113-115);

(xviii) ‘The Scots Guards welcome to their old name’, piano only ‘Gu Ionmharnis tiomchall Obair-reathain’, tune only ‘Macleod Air – Harris’, unidentified, piano only (folio 116 recto); ‘Katschki (?) Polka’, piano only (folio 116 verso) (folio 116);

(xix) Dance tunes arranged for the piano, untitled (folio 117);

(xx) Piano arrangement for ‘Moneymusk’ and an unidentified ‘moderato’ piece (folio 118);

(xxi) ‘An sguabag bhealuidh’, tune only, not in Evelyn Stewart Murray's hand. The title belongs to a song on curling by Paul Cameron, Blair Atholl (printed in Kerr, “History of curling, Scotland's ain game”, page 228. The tune given there is ‘So mar theid an gun a dheanamh’) (folio 119);

(xxii) Drafts of tunes, unidentified apart from a version of “Guma slàn a chì mi mo chailin dìleas donn” (folio 121 verso) (folios 120-121);

(xxiii) Drafts of tunes with planned piano arrangement, headed ‘Moneymusk’ and ‘Mars Macleod’ (folio 122 recto), followed by titles, but no music, of six further tunes (folios 122 verso-123 verso) (folios 122-123);

(xxiv) Wrappers addressed to Evelyn Stewart Murray of ‘Irisleabhar na Gaedhilge’, ‘The Gaelic Journal’. Postal stamps dated 1892 and 1893; the third bears no date (folios 124-126).


  • Creation: Late 19th century-early 20th century.

Conditions Governing Access

Normal access conditions apply.

Conditions Governing Use

Normal reproduction conditions apply, subject to any copyright restrictions.


126 Leaves


126 folios.


Kerr, John. “History of curling, Scotland's ain game” (Edinburgh 1890).
MacDonald, K N. ‘The Gesto Collection of Highland music’ (Leipzig 1985).

Repository Details

Part of the National Library of Scotland Archives and Manuscripts Division Repository

Archives and Manuscript Division
National Library of Scotland
George IV Bridge
Edinburgh EH1 1EJ
0131 623 3700