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“Swinton’s kirk MSS”, a collection of Scottish historical documents, for the most part copies from the Cotton Library, originally labelled ‘Kirk manuscripts B’., 17th century.

Identifier: Adv.MS.31.2.19

Scope and Contents

A collection copied by various hands without sufficient accuracy, possibly for Matthew Crawford.

The contents are as follows: (i) Letter, 3 May 1582, of Sir John Foster to Secretary Walsingham. (ii) Advertisement out of Scotland, 22 June 1582. (iii) Letter, 20 August 1582, of the Queen of England to the King of Scotland. (iv) Depositions of George Douglas sent the 14 September from Stirling, and received the 20 September at Windsor. ‘Septr. 28 1582’. (v) The heads whereof George Douglas was examined. (vi) The names of such noblemen and gentlemen as have given promise to the Duke to assist him with their forces. (vii) Letter, ?28 October 1582, of the Duke of Guise to Queen Mary. (viii) Letter, 5 November 1582, of Alexander Seton to the General of the Jesuits in Rome, and found with William Holte. (ix) Letter, 27 August 1582, of the Queen of Scots to Beaton. (x) Letter, 28 August 1528, of the King of Scots (James the 5th) to Henry the 8th. (xi) Letter, Edinburgh, 20 July, of the Bishop of Dunkeld to the Lord Cardinal advertising a messenger come into Scotland from the Duke of Albany who is soon after expected to be there. (xii) Letter, Edinburgh, 9 May, of the Priest of Dunkeld to the Lord Cardinal. (xiii) Letter, Cambuskenneth, Cassillis, 16 April, of the Bishop of Dunkeld to the Lord Cardinal Legate and Chancellor of England. (xiv) Copy of a letter, 24 January, of the Bishop of Aberdeen to Robert Barton, Comptroller. (xv) Instructions, 19 April 1580, for Robert Bowes drawn by Mr Secretary Walsingham. (xvi) Memorandum, 17 April 1580, of the Lord Thesaurer and Mr Secretary Walsingham to Robert Bowes. (xvii) Letter, 27 April 1580, of Robert Bowes to the Lord Thesaurer and Secretary Walsingham. (xviii) Letter, 3 May 1580, of Robert Bowes giving a full account of the present state of affairs in Scotland. (xix) A supplication, 1584, to her Majesty from the noblemen distressed containing two petitions. (xx) The answer of the distressed Lords of Scotland to the matters they are charged with. (xxi) The names of such of the nobility and others of Scotland as are presently distressed, of which some are without the realm, some are within the same. (xxii) ‘The present estate of the nobility of Scotland, and how they stand affected’, 1577. (xxiii) Articles, 13 August 1578, agreed upon in Scotland between the King and the Lords. (xxiv) ‘The manner and form of Examination and Death of William Earl of Gourie, and Lord Ruthven and Dirleton, Great Thresorier of Scotland, the 3[d] day of May and after Eight hours at night’, 1584. (xxv) Letter, 23 November 1584, of King James 6th, without an address. (xxvi) Copy of a letter, 1584, sent by the King to the Provost and Baillie of Edinburgh, to be signed and sent to their Ministers. (xxvii) Negotiation, November 1584, of Patrick, Master of Gray. (xxviii) A note, 30 October 1585, showing how certain of the nobility are affected. (xxix) ‘The Relation of the Master of Grayes, concerning the surprise of the King at Stirling’. (xxx) Scotia, at Holyrood House, 17 February 1585, propositions, or notes of a conference respecting Church Government. (xxxi) Protestation to the Ministers by the Earl of Huntly. (xxxii) ‘The Nobility of Scotland Papists and Protestants, discontented and well affected, Scotia 1591.’ (xxxiii) Copy of the libel, 24 October 1592, cast in the pulpit in the Great Church and in John Cairns house against the Ministers in Edinburgh. (xxxiv) Certain petitions and conclusions, Edinburgh, 17 October 1593, considered upon by the Commissioners for the Kirk, Barons and Burgesses of Edinburgh. (xxxv) Letter, 2 August in the 15th year of his reign, of the King of Scotland to the King of England, concerning the carrying of salt fish to England. (xxxvi) Letter, 8 May, of Robert, Abbot of Paisley to the Lord Cardinal. (xxxvii) Proclamation or Act, Edinburgh, 6 March 1589, of the Privy Council for the calling of all persons to yield reckoning of their faith, that it may appear who be Protestants and who Papists. (xxxviii) A paper concerning points of Church Government. (xxxix) ‘A Discourse of the late troubles happened in Scotland between her Majestie and the King her husband and certain nobility. This discourse was written by the Lord Ruthven the Principal undertaker of the Slaughter of David Rizzio Italian Secretary to the Queen of Scots, with whom she was suspected! This he wrote being sick, not long before his death, having no hope of life. He died at New Castle in England, 1565.’ ‘A discourse of the later troubles happened in Scotland between the noble and mighty Princess Mary by the Grace of God Queen of Scots, and her husband Henry the King with other Earls, Lords, Barons, Gentlemen, Freeholders, Merchants and Craftsmen, being on the King’s part. March 9 1565.’ The manuscript consists of 55 pages apparently copied page for page from a quarto manuscript. (xl) “Sundry notes gathered upon good intelligence given, and in time to be better manifested, being now thought meet to be incontinent sent used and laid against D’Aubigny, to prove him abusin the King, the nobility and the Estate: Feby 3 1580.” The manuscript consists of 6 pages apparently copied page for page from a quarto manuscript. (xli) ‘The sum of all the Conferences that was between the Earl of Norton and John Drury and Mr Walter Balcanquhal on the Chief things which they can remember that day that the said Earl suffered’. The manuscript consists of 22 pages, apparently copied page for page from a quarto manuscript (xlii) ‘Ex librio Archiepiscopi Glasguensis ad Episcopum Rossensem, Dat Parisiis – 1578 10 April.’ The manuscript contains a variety of extracts from letters & other papers, of various dates (20 pages). (xliii) “D’un livre qui s’appelle Recueil de diverse derniors heures edifiantes choisies er mises en order pour la consolation des aimes fideles Par Pierre de la Roque Ministre du Saint Evangile a bleucs a Amsterd ann 1706. Le darnier heurs de Mr Jean Knox theologien Ecossais.” (xliv) General bond, 1582, subscribed by the King and nobles of Scotland. (xlv) Original letter of Lindsay to Walsingham, advertising that the Master of Gray had become the Queen’s Enemy. (xlvi) Letter of intelligence, 8 June. (xlvii) An account of the General Assembly concerning the Earl of Ruthven, Session VII-XII, October 1582. (xlviii) Distribution of the Bishoprics, Abbacies and Priories in Scotland by Mr Davidson. (xlix) Copy of consideration made at Edinburgh, 27 April 1560. (l) A note, 7 July 1560, of the effects of the principal matters concluded between the Queen’s Commissioners and the French in Scotland. (li) The effect of the agreement between the Queen Dowager of Scotland and the Lords of the Congregation. Published, 25 July 1559, by proclamation at Edinburgh. (lii) Petition to the Queen of Scots by the Ministers of the Kirk. (liii) The Complaint made by the Queen’s Commissioners of Scotland. (liv) Letter of Mr John Lawson to his brethren the Townsmen of Edinburgh, concerning the causes of his leaving his native country. (lv) Copy of a letter, 1584, of Mr John Lawson to his brethren the Townsmen of Edinburgh complaining of the disorders in the Scottish church and of the dissolution of the clergy. (lvi) The form of certain devises used by the Earl of Arran and Sir Robert Melville against the Earl of Gowry. (lvii) Attested copy of a letter, 10 June 1584, from the King of Scotland to a Scots Preacher in London. (lviii) The King of Scotland’s command, 8 September 1584, for avoiding of Mr James Lawson and others. (lix) A letter, 19 July 1584, of the Bishop of St Andrews against Mr James Lawson. (lx) The proclamation, 11 November 1585, published by the nobility of Scotland, containing the causes of their repairing towards the town of Stirling to the Kings. (lxi) The proceedings, 1 November 1585, of the nobility of Scotland against the oppressors of the religion and the abuses of the Kings Bar. (lxii) A copy of a deciphered letter concerning the conveying of £600 to Lords Liddington and Grange. (lxiii) Letter, 8 June 1571, of Queen Elizabeth to Walsingham, her ambassador in France, concerning the reasons why she keeps the Bishop of Ross prisoner . (lxiv) Collections out of certain letters, etc., 1581, sent from the Queen of Scotland into France. (lxv) Proclamation of Falkland, 21 September 1583. (lxvi) Proclamation, 30 October 1583, concerning the Kings remission for the action of Lord Ruthven. (lxvii) Memorandum from the Lord Treasurer and Mr Secretary Walsingham to Mr Robert Bowes, 17 April 1580. (lxviii) Letter, Paris, June 4 1580, of Lord John Hamilton to the Queen of England. (lxix) Letter, London, 22 June 1580, of Queen Elizabeth to the Earl of Norton. (lxx) Notes, 7 December 1583, of misbehaviour of the Kings undutiful subjects endangering his estate, subscribed with the Kings own hand. (lxxi) Original letter of the Earls of Marr and Angus and the Master of Glamis to the Earl of Leicester, one of her Majesties most honourable Privy Council. (lxxii) A commission, 7 December 1583, granted by the King to certain ministers and others to deal with his Rebels apud Holyrood house. (lxxiii) Copy of the general bond subscribed by the King, nobility, and others after the enterprise at Ruthven. (lxxiv) Letter, 21 April 1580, of Robert Bowes to the Lord Thesaurer and Secretary Walsingham. (lxxv) Letter , 3 May 1580, of Secretary Walsingham to Robert Bowes. (lxxvi) Articles of indictment, 24 May 1589, wherewith the Earls of Huntly, Bothwell and Crawford were charged at their arraignment,. (lxxvii) A copy of the King’s propositions or declarations of his intention, Edinburgh, 29 May 1594, to the Ministers of Edinburgh, and their answers to the same. (lxxviii) Answer to the Kings articles by the Presbytery of Edinburgh. (lxxix) The names of the Earls, Lords, Bishops, Abbots, Priors, Barons and Burgesses called to the Parliament begun at Edinburgh, 30 May 1594. (lxxx) Exceptions against the subscription that is obtruded upon the Ministers in Scotland. (lxxxi) Instructions to Sir Robert Melville, Knight, and Alexander Hume of North Berwick, Commissioners for his Majesty at the present Assembly of Articles proposed in his Majesty’s name to the Assembly held at Edinburgh, 8 May 1594. (lxxxii) Instructions of Mr John Preston of Fentonbarnes one of the Senators of the College of Justice, Mr Edward Bruce Commendator of Kinloss, and Mr William Oliphant to attend at Leith upon Tuesday next the 18th of February 1596, being commissioners to the Synodall of Lothian. (lxxxiii) The answer of the Synodall to the preceding documents. (lxxxiv) ‘Apud Westminster 25th Novembris Die Jovio 1568’, a memorial of things passed this present day in the Great Chamber anciently called ‘Camera depicta’, next upon the Northside to the Parliament Chamber at Westminster. (lxxxv) The Protestation by the Queen’s Commissioners of Scotland at Westminster, 25 November 1568. (lxxxvi) “An Eik to the Answer presented be us James, Earl of Murray Regent of the Realm of Scotland, and Remanent Commissioners appointed for the Kings Majesty of Scotland Our Sovereign Lord, in his Highness behalf, and for ourselves and remanent States & People, his majesty’s faithful and obedient Subjects, To the letter presented to your Grace, and the Lords Commissioners for the Queens Majesty of England, at York, in behalf of the Queen moder to our said sovereign Lord. Presented 26 November 1568.” (lxxxvii) The Queen of England’s answer, November 1568, by her commissioners to the paper of the Earl of Murray in section (lxxxvi ). (lxxxviii) Commands, 9 October 1568, of the Earl of Murray. (lxxxix) Answers, 26 November 1568, to the commands of the Earl of Murray. (xc) Letter, December 1560, of the Commissioners of the Queen of Scots to the Commissioners of the Queen of England at Westminster. (xci) A letter, 3 December 1568, of Sir Francis Knollys concerning the Queen of Scotland. (xcii) The Proceedings at Hampton Court on Friday and Saturday 3rd and 4th December 1568 containing the request of the Queen of Scotland’s Commissioners to the Queen of England, with her answer to them. (xciii) The session at Westminster, 6 December 1568. (xciv) The Deposition, 1 September 1567, of John Hay Younger of Tallo concerning the murder of Henry Lord Darnley. (xcv) The Deposition, 8 December 1567, of John Hepburn called John of Bowtoune. (xcvi) Extract of the sentence against Hepburn, Hay, Pourie and Dalgliesh, servants of the Earl of Bothwell, for the murder of Lord Darnley, January 1567. (xcvii) A Charge of disloyalty, 29 December 1567, against the Earls of Argyle and Huntly, and Lord Herries. (xcviii) Declaration, 13 May 1567, of the Queen of Scots concerning Lord Bothwell after ‘he had seized her person at Almond Bridge’. (xcix) The proceedings, 9 December 1568, of the English Commissioners in the cause of the Scottish Queen at Westminster. (c) The paper, Thursday 9 December 1568, given in at Westminster to the Queen of England’s Commissioners by the Commissioners of the Queen of Scotland. (ci) The Evidence of William Neilson concerning the Murder of Lord Darnly, 1568. (cii) Dimission, 13 December 1567, of Queen Mary and her nomination of the Earl of Murray to the Regency, confirmed by Parliament. (ciii) A paper, 10 December 1568, given to the English Commissioners against the Queen of Scots by the Earl of Murray and others. (civ) Journal of the Proceedings, 14 December 1568, of the English Council in the affair of the Queen of Scots at Hampton Court. (cv) A Device, 1568, of William Maitland of Lethington at Hampton Court, how the young Prince of Scotland should remain King, and yet the Queen not be Deprived. (cvi) A letter, 21 December 1568, from the Queen of England to the Queen of Scots. (cvii) A Rhyme, 11 December 1568, in defence of the Queen of Scots against the Earl of Murray. (cviii) A memorial, 22 December 1568, concerning the Queen of Scots, of which some part was sent to Mr Vice Chamberlain. (cix) A letter, 31 December 1568, of Sir Francis Knollys concerning the Queen of Scots. A paper, 7 January 1568, by which it appears that the Queen of England meant to deal no further in the affair of the Queen of Scots, but upon the suspense, to take advantage to help her in prison. (cx) A letter, 31 December 1568, of Kirkaldie of Grange to the Earl of Murray then in England. (cxi) A letter, 5 January 1578, of the Queen of Scots to her cousin and counsellor, the Earl of Huntly, her lieutenant in the north,. (cxii) The Protestation, January 1568, of the Earls of Huntly and Argyle concerning the murder of the King of Scotland. (cxiii) Answer, 19 January 1568, of the Earl of Murray to a writing of the Earls of Huntly and Argyle. (cxiv) A letter, 22 January 1568, from the Queen of England to Sir Francis Knollys, Vice Chamberlain. A letter, 25 February 1568, from the Queen of England to the Queen of Scots. (cxv) A memorial, 17 March 1568, for Henry Middlemore being sent into Scotland. (cxvi) ‘Memorial for My Lord Regent of Scotland, March 1569.’ (cxvii) A letter, 30 March 1569, of Sir John Forster, concerning the affairs of Scotland. (cxviii) Considerations, 1569, of the matters propounded by the Bishop of Ross on the part of the Queen of Scots. (cxix) Considerations, 1569, of the matters between the Queen of Scots and her son and subjects. (cxx) ‘The Credit committed by the Queens Majesty of Scotland to My Lord Boyd, to be declared in Scotland, July 1569.’ (cxxi) A letter, 1 July 1569, from the Duke of Norfolk to the Earl of Murray. (cxxii) A paper containing the names of the noblemen and others of the estates, convened at Perth, otherwise called St. Johnstone, on 28 July 1569. (cxxiii) ‘Instructions to the Right Hon[l] and our Trusty Counselllour Robert Commendator of Dumfermline and one of our Sovereign Lords Privy Council, Ambassador presently directed towards the Queens Majesty of England at Kelso, 15 October 1569’. (cxxiv) A letter, 14 August 1569, of the Duke of Norfolk to the Earl of Murray. (cxxv) A letter, 22 January 1568, of Sir Henry Percy concerning the affairs of Scotland. (cxxvi) ‘A memorial of certain points meet for the restoring the Realm of Scotland to the Ancient Weal’, 5 August 1559 , written by Sir William Cecil, with his own hand. (cxxvii) A short discussion, August 1559, of the weighty matters of Scotland. (cxxviii) A letter, 23 October 1559, of the Lords of the Congregation to the Queen Dowager. ‘The Council having the authority unto the next Parliament, Erected by the Common Election of the Earls , Lords and Barons, Conveened at Edinburgh of the Protestant Fraction’, 22 October 1559. (cxxix) A letter, 25 October 1559, of Sir Ralph Sadler and Sir James Croft to the Council of England. (cxxx) Orders, 4 November 1559, for the maintenance and government of the garrisons of horsemen and footmen. (cxxxi) A letter, 6 November 1559, of the Lords of Scotland to Sir Ralph Sadler. (cxxxii) A letter, 5 November 1559, of Sir Ralph Sadler and Sir James Croft to Mr Secretary Cecil. (cxxxiii) Minute of a letter of Sir Ralph Sadler to Thomas Randolph. (cxxxiv) Minute of a letter of Sir Ralph Sadler to Thomas Randolph. (cxxxv) A letter of Sir Ralph Sadler and Sir James Croft to Sir William Cecil. (cxxxvi) A letter, in cypher, of Mr Randolph to Sir Ralph Sadler and Sir James Croft, deciphered. (cxxxvii) A letter of the Council of England to Sir Ralph Sadler and Sir James Croft. (cxxxviii) The orders, November 1559, sent with the Bishop of Amiens and la Bosse from the King and Queen of France and Scotland, for quieting the troubles in Scotland. (cxxxix) The answer to the French Ambassador by Sir William Cecil and Sir John Mason. (cxl) Articles, ‘27 Feby. 1559/[1960]. Stilo Romano’, agreed upon betwixt the Duke of Norfolk and the Lord James Stewart, concerning England and Scotland. (cxli) A memorial, 11 April 1560, in cypher, to be sent to the Queen Dowager of Scotland by Captain Chaperon, deciphered. (cxlii) Part of a letter, 5 May 1560, in cypher, of the Queen Dowager to Monsieur D’Assel, being in Leith, deciphered. (cxliii) A letter, 12 June 1560, of the Council of England to Secretary Cecil and others. (cxliv) ‘Articuli conclusi inter Commissarios Regino Angliæ ac Regina Francorum et Scottorum, apud Berwick’, 14 June 1560. (cxlv) The French Ambassadors offers, 19 June 1560, concerning the ceasing from the use of the title and arms of England, and of the compensation for the injury therein. (cxlvi) A letter, 28 June 1560, of Sir William Cecil to the Queen of England. (cxlvii) ‘Fractalus Conclusies, 6[to] July 1560 apud Edinburgum in Scotiæ’. (cxlviii) The demands, 10 July 1560, of the Protestant nobility and others, with the Queen’s answers, and the Kirk’s reply and supplication. (cxlix) ‘The Queens Majesty’s Answer to the Articles presented to her Highness by certain Gentlemen in the name of the haill last assembly of the Kirk.’ “The Kirk’s reply to her Majesty’s Answers aforesaid.” “The supplication to the Queens Majesty of Scotland.” (cl) Answer, 8 December 1560, of the Queen of England declared to her Council concerning the requests of the Lords of Scotland. (cli) A memorial, 20 March 1560, to Thomas Randolph to execute diverse things for the service of the Queens in Scotland, 20 March 1560. (clii) A letter, 10 August 1560, of the Laird of Ledington to Sir William Cecil. (cliii) The indent, 22 August 1561, between Lord Dacre and the Master of Maxwell. (cliv) A letter of Randolph to the Queen of England. (clv) A letter, 7 September 1561, of Randolph to Mr Secretary Cecil. (clvi) A letter, 24 September 1561, of Randolph to Mr Secretary Cecil. (clvii) A letter, 24 October 1561, of Randolph to Sir William Cecil. (clviii) A letter, 11 November 1561, of Randolph to Sir William Cecil. (clix) A letter, 25 November 1559, of Sir Ralph Sadler and Sir James Croft to Secretary Cecil. (clx) A letter, 7 December 1561, of Randolph to Secretary Cecil. (clxi) A letter, 17 December 1561 of Randolph to Sir William Cecil. (clxii) A letter, 27 December 1561 of Randolph to Sir William Cecil . (clxiii) Instructions, 1562, given by the Queens to Sir Henry Sidney, Knight, Lord President of the Council in the Marches of Wales, sent by her Majesty to the Queen of Scots . (clxiv) A memorial of certain matters committed to our servant Thomas Randolph sent to our Good Sister the Queen of Scots’, 20 August 1563 (or 1562). (clxv) A letter, 14 November 1562, of the Laird of Leithington, Principal Secretary of State, to Sir William Cecil. (clxvi) A letter, 18 November 1562, of Thomas Randolph to Sir William Cecil. (clxvii) An Abstract of letters out of Scotland, 1 April 1563-30 March 1564, of Thomas Randolph. (clxviii) Letter, 9 October 1563, of Mr Knox to the Brethren of the Congregation. (clxix) A memorial, 17 November 1563, of Thomas Randolph sent by the Queen of England to the Queen of Scots. (clxx) An Abstract of letters out of Scotland, 14 April 1564-27 September 1565, of Thomas Randolph. (clxxi) A memorial, 4 October 1564, delivered to Thomas Randolph, sent to the Queen of Scots in message from the Queen of England. (clxxii) An Abstract of letters, out of Scotland, 29 October, 3, 12 November 1564, of Thomas Randolph. (clxxiii) A letter, 7 November 1564, of Thomas Randolph to the Queen of England. (clxxiv) A letter, 23 November 1564, of the Earl of Bedford and Thomas Randolph to the Queen of England. (clxxv) An Abstract of letters out of Scotland, 2 December 1564-17 May/Mar 1565, of Thomas Randolph. (clxxvi) A letter, 20 March 1564/5, of Thomas Randolph to Sir William Cecil. (clxxvii) A determination, 1 May 1565, of the Privy Council of England upon the marriage of the Queen of Scots. (clxxviii) Letter, 21 May 1565, of Sir Nicolas Throckmorton to the Queen of England concerning his negotiation with the Queen of Scots. (clxxix) The oath, 15 May 1565, of a knight made by Lord Darnley. (clxxx) The oath of an Earl made by Lord Darnley. Memorandum 15 May 1565, of the investiture of Henry, Lord Darnley as a Knight, Baron, Lord of Ardmanoch and Earl of Ross, and of 14 Knights created at the same time. (clxxxi) A memorial, 27 May 1567, of Sir Nicolas Throckmorton sent to the Earl of Leicester and Secretary Cecil, to communicate the matters to the Queen of England. (clxxxii) An abstract of a letter, 3 June 1565, of Thomas Randolph to Sir William Cecil. (clxxxiii) A letter, 2 July 1565, of Thomas Randolph to Sir William Cecil. (clxxxiv) A letter, 4 July 1565, of Thomas Randolph to Secretary Cecil. (clxxxv) A letter, 10 July 1565, of the discontented Lords to the Queen of England. (clxxxvi) A letter of the Queen of Scotland. (clxxxvii) A letter, 19 July 1565, of Thomas Randolph to Secretary Cecil. (clxxxviii) A letter, 21 July 1565, of Thomas Randolph to Sir William Cecil. (clxxxix) An Index of the preceding manuscripts. (cxc) A list of letters, etc. Cotton Library reference ‘Caligula B.’ (cxci) A list of papers concerning Scots affairs in the library of Mr Harley. (cxcii) List of papers. Cotton Library reference ‘Caligula C., D.2.’ (cxciii) ‘Annalibus Melrosensis Conobii (M.S.S. in Bibliotheca Cottoniana) Sequentia suis locis inserta sunt alia manu.’ They are lists of Kings of Scotland, and verses upon them, with this note added: “NB. These verses are not in the Chronicle of Melros in the same hand, but added in the margin by another and seem transcribed from some other book. They are very great monuments of antiquity and agreeable to the Irish Historical Poems”. This document is written on two leaves and appears to be quite distinct from the rest of the volume.

The description of the manuscript in the folio catalogue (F.R.186) includes the reference: Jac.v.1.24.


  • Creation: 17th century.

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1 Volumes